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Embryology GIT OSPE.

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Presentation on theme: "Embryology GIT OSPE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embryology GIT OSPE

2 Anomalies

3 Tracheo-oesophageal fistula

4 Esophageal atresia

5 Esophageal atresia

6 Esophageal stenosis

7 Congenital pyloric stenosis

8 Hourglass stomach.

9 Transposition of stomach

10 Duodenal atresia:

11 Duodenal stenosis:

12 Congenital intestinal obstruction:

13 Congenital intestinal obstruction:

14 Duplication of the duodenum

15 Increased lobulation of liver

16 Absence of gall bladder and cystic duct

17 Double gall bladder and cystic duct

18 Atresia of common bile duct

19 Annular pancreas:

20 1- Annular pancreas:

21 1- Congenital umbilical hernia:

22 - Exomphalos (omphalocele):

23 Meckl’s diverticulum

24 Congenital umbilical fistula

25 Transposition of intestine

26 Intestinal atresia

27 Intestinal stenosis

28 Duplication of the intestine

29 Rectovaginal-Fistula


31 Imperforate anus


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