The National Sensory Impaired Partnership

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Presentation on theme: "The National Sensory Impaired Partnership"— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Sensory Impaired Partnership
Outcomes for C&YP with SI

2 2010-11 Data Performance Indicators
14 Performance indicators (PIs) - Foundation Stage (3) - Key Stage 2 (3) - Key Stage 2 – 4 progression (2) - Key Stage 4 (3) - Exclusions / Planned pathways (3)

3 2010-11 Population Moderate, severe, profound HI
Moderate, severe, profound VI Mild, moderate, severe, profound MSI Includes children and young people with additional SEN (except SLD/PMLD) Split the VI population; Braille users and non Braille users Split the HI population for FS; CI users and non CI users

4 NatSIP Outcomes Detailed information will again be made available in a report to participating services Analysis (tables and commentary) will be provided for each PI for: - moderate, severe, profound, all HI (FS – CI and non CI users) - moderate, severe, profound, all VI (Braille and non Braille users) - mild, moderate, severe, profound, all MSI Average PI scores for pupils across LAs will also be provided

5 NatSIP Outcomes Average PI scores for LAs will be provided for all HI, all VI and all MSI, with standard deviation of scores. Each LA is also provided with its PI scores. National Indicators: A comparison of the NatSIP and DfE data Participants: 62 LAs (50% up on 2011), DfE target 76 LAs (50%)

6 NatSIP ‘Outcomes’ Activities 2011-12
Wider outcomes for VI C&YP e.g. independence in using specialist VI equipment, independent travel skills, age appropriate skills in Braille reading, keyboard skills Outcomes C&YP questionnaire Linking outcomes benchmarking to the QS for support services Applications of benchmarking for support services Linking CRIDE and the benchmarking data Nicky Ereaut

7 CRIDE Consortium for Research into Deaf Education
CRIDE is a consortium bringing together a range of organisations and individuals with a common interest in improving the educational outcomes achieved by deaf children through research. Current members include: Angela Deckett (NDCS), Bob Denman (NatSIP), Lorna Halliday (UCL), Bruce Kitchener (London Borough of Barnet), Fiona Kyle (University of Bedfordshire), Merle Mahon (UCL), Stevie Mayhook (Ewing Foundation), Ian Noon (NDCS), Tony Shaw (Mary Hare School), Karen Simpson (Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children) and Paul Simpson (BATOD).

8 CRIDE Consortium for Research into Deaf Education Survey questions
Numbers of specialist Teachers of the Deaf in peripatetic service or specialist resource provisions Numbers of others specialist staff in peripatetic service or specialist resource provisions Number of deaf children in a) local authority area and b) supported by service Eligibility criteria and funding arrangements

9 CRIDE Consortium for Research into Deaf Education
2011 survey results (England) Responses from 130 services, covering 148 local authorities At least 34,927 deaf children 1 in 5 have additional special educational need 15% use spoken language other than English. 9% use sign language 12% attend other special schools (not schools for the deaf) 3 in 4 deaf children do not have a statement of special educational needs 30% services report decrease in non staffing budget

10 CRIDE Consortium for Research into Deaf Education
Reports available online at: BATOD website: NDCS website:

11 CRIDE Consortium for Research into Deaf Education
2012 survey (England) Disseminated by NDCS Regional Directors in early February Can be completed online ( or using Word document 99 responses so far 2012 analysis report expected over summer 2012

12 CRIDE Consortium for Research into Deaf Education
Licensing arrangements No personal information ever published Restrictions apply to members of CRIDE and anyone who wishes to use data for research purposes

13 CRIDE Consortium for Research into Deaf Education
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland 2011 reports to be published soon Wales and Northern Ireland – 2012 surveys ongoing Scotland – 2012 survey to be disseminated later in year in joint project with Scottish Sensory Centre

14 CRIDE Consortium for Research into Deaf Education
Questions or feedback? Paul Simpson (BATOD Executive Officer)

15 Linking CRIDE and NatSIP OB data
Original aim of OB project to provide contextual data In principle support for linking data How to link and what analyses could be performed? Discussion ongoing Implications for VI Bob Denman (NatSIP Consultant)

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