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The GCSE Religious Studies Course

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1 The GCSE Religious Studies Course
This is a new GCSE course. It is divided into three units, all of which will be examined in three exams first taken in 2018. Beliefs, teachings and Practices Christianity Islam Religion, Philosophy and ethics from a Christian perspective Four themes covered: Relationships & Families Existence of God Religion, Peace & Conflict Dialogue between religious & non-religious attitudes The study of a first religion 63 marks (including 3 SPAG) 1 hour written exam The study of a second religion Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world 126 marks (including 6 SPAG) 2 hour written exam 25% 50%

2 Component 1 – Christian beliefs, teachings and practices
Topics include: The nature of God The Creation The problem of evil Jesus Christ (role, importance, incarnation, crucifixion etc.) Concept of salvation Eschatological beliefs (life after death, heaven/hell etc.) Christian practices (prayer, celebrations, mission, role of the church etc.)

3 Component 1 – Islamic beliefs, teachings and practices
Topics include: Core beliefs (angels, prophets, holy books etc.) The nature of Allah Eschatological beliefs (predestination, day of judgement etc.) Life after death 5 pillars Festivals & special days Jihad

4 Component 2 – Religion, philosophy and ethics from a Christian perspective
Topics include: Relationships & families (marriage, divorce, celibacy, same-sex marriage etc.) The role of men & women (equality, religious upbringing of children etc.) The question of God (relationship with humanity, arguments about the existence of God, experiencing God etc.) Violence & conflict (holy war, terrorism, pacifism, value of peace etc.) Forgiveness & reconciliation Challenges for religion (secularism, tolerance, equality etc.) The importance of interfaith dialogue in the 21st Century

5 Exam Structure Christian beliefs, teachings and practices paper
5 questions in the beliefs and teachings section 5 questions in the practices section All questions must be answered Questions are made up of 3 marks, 6 marks and 15 marks Islam beliefs, teachings and practices paper

6 Exam Structure Religion, philosophy and ethics from a Christian perspective 4 sections each consisting of 4 questions All questions must be answered Questions made up of 3 marks, 6 marks and 15 marks

7 The 6 Mark Question

8 The 15 Mark Question

9 What Students Often Fall Down on
Use of technical terms Use of scripture quotes Strong structure in part (e) questions with argument embedded not just tacked on at end

10 Revision Start revising ASAP!
Do as many practice questions as possible – that way there will be less surprises in the exam Both myself and Mrs Ideson are happy to check revision materials or mark any extra work you complete outside of lessons Recommended revision guide (although not published until 24th November!)

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