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Knowledge and Understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge and Understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge and Understanding.
CAD/CAM Theory. Knowledge and Understanding.

2 CAD Theory. What does CAD stand for ?
CAD – This stands for Computer Aided Design. Can you name some examples of CAD software? 2D Design V2 PTC ProDesktop Solid Edge Adobe Photoshop What are the advantages of using CAD? By using design software we can; Produce more accurate designs Produce designs far more quickly Change or modify our designs much more easily Share our ideas with other people See our designs on our screen before we make anything

3 CAM Theory. What does CAM stand for ?
CAM – This stands for Computer Aided Manufacturing. Can you name some examples of CAM tools? Laser Cutter CAMM 1 Plotter Cutter CAMM 2 Desktop Engraver What are the advantages of using CAM? By making a product using CAM we can; Produce accurate pieces of work Produce many exact copies of the same product Make a product in much less time than making it by hand Make more than one person’s product at the same time

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