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Intriguing Interdisciplinary Initiatives

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1 Intriguing Interdisciplinary Initiatives
Research SIG ALISE 2005 Annual Conference Boston, MA January 13, 2005

2 “There is no knowing without conflict.”
Palmer, Parker,1988. “Community, Conflict, and Ways of Knowing.” Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 19(5):

3 Framework for Collaboration
All academic fields characterized by Conflict Competing views of central paradigms presented by subfields More consensus exists between collaborators in different disciplines who share expertise in a subfield than between those in the same discipline Salter, L. & Hearn, A Outside the Lines: Issues in Interdisciplinary Research. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

4 Framework for Collaboration
Both consensus and culture are essential to the learning process Collaborative learning is process of engaging different perspectives Differences of opinion more associated with advances in thinking than those of consensus Trimbur, J “Consensus and Difference in Collaborative Learning.” College English, 51(6):

5 Barriers to Collaboration
Different cultures/geography Lack of contact and relationship-building Lack of motivation to collaborate Competitive mentality Low trust Lack of respect Goman, Carol Kinsey “The Power of Collaboration.” Seminar in Dublin, OH, November 9.

6 Benefits of Collaboration
Differences do not equate conflict Strong, nonhierarchical, personal relationship Respect for each other’s expertise Familiarity arising from history of interaction Academic culture Differences often lead to significant new insight and innovation Creamer, Elizabeth G “Collaborators’ Attitudes About Differences of Opinions.” The Journal of Higher Education, 75(5): Sample Purposive sample 12 research pairs = 24 6 of 12 pairs are domestic partners Selection Criteria: Senior faculty – associate or full professor < 21 chapters and/or refereed journal articles or < 5 books Co-authored publications with partner and collaborated < 10 years

7 Intriguing Interdisciplinary Initiatives
France Bouthillier, McGill University Design of Information Services for Small Business Managers in the Context of the Public Library: The Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach Claire McInerney, Rutgers University Crossing Boundaries in the Real World Mary Stansbury, Kent State University Interdisciplinary Idea to Interdisciplinary Effectiveness:  Values, Conflict, and Reward Marie Radford, Rutgers University Respond

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