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Refresher on paraphrasing…

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1 Refresher on paraphrasing…

2 Refresher on paraphrasing…

3 Refresher on paraphrasing…

4 Refresher on paraphrasing…

5 Refresher on paraphrasing…

6 Practice paraphrasing
Name: Ms. Hermanson English II September 12, 2016 The Dramatic Structure Directions: Take notes while together we read each slide. Be mindful to put quotation marks in your notes for any two or more words repeated exactly as they appear in the slide.

7 The Dramatic Structure of Oedipus the King

8 The Greek Tragedy Believed that dramatic structure of Greek tragedy influenced the eventual division of a play into acts and scenes. Greek tragedy divided into five sections.

9 1. The Prologue (Prologos)
Opening portion of the play Sets the scene and contains the exposition

10 2. The Parados Entrance song of the Chorus
Named after the broad isles on either side of the theatron (theatre), where the Chorus entered and exited from.

11 3. The Episodes (Scenes) Scene in the action (plot) of the drama.
Scenes (episodes) are performed by the actors (distinguished from stasimons—performed by the Chorus). Episodes alternate with the stasimons.

12 4. Stasimons (Odes) A choral passage (performed by the Chorus)
Alternates with the episodes Type of lyric poem. Chorus performed through song and dance accompanied by instruments.

13 5. Exodos Concluding section of the tragedy.
Ends with the chorus singing their final lines as they exit.

14 How Oedipus relates to Plot Structure:
Exposition—Prologue, Parados Rising Action—Scene 1, Ode 1 through Scene 3,Ode 3 Climax—Scene 4 Falling Action—Ode 4, Exodos Resolution--Exodos


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