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Candidates for dark matter and the ILC
G. Bélanger (LAPTH- Annecy)
Outline Dark matter a new particle?
Dark colliders + astro/cosmo Supersymmetric dark matter Non-susy dark matter vector boson, right-handed neutrino, scalar
What is the universe made of?
Dark matter inferred from rotation curve of galaxy In recent years : new precise determination of cosmological parameters Data from CMB (WMAP) agree with the one from clusters and supernovae Dark matter: 23+/- 4% Baryons: 4+/-.4% Dark energy 73+/-4% Neutrinos < 1% Dark matter dominates over visible matter Dark matter : guide to New physics models?
Open questions -link to new physics
What is symmetry breaking mechanism Hierarchy problem – new physics What is DM (new particle WIMP)? Likely to be related to physics at weak scale Same new physics at the weak scale can also solve EWSB Many possible solutions – many possible DM candidates What is Dark energy ? rather related to Planck scale Baryon asymmetry in the universe Could also be explained with NP at weak scale (eg. electroweak baryogenesis and MSSM with CP violation) Origin of neutrino mass
Dark matter : a new particle?
Weakly interacting particle gives roughly the right annihilation cross section to have Ωh2 ~0.1 Many candidates for weakly interacting neutral stable particles best known is neutralino in SUSY Other models with NP at TeV scale have candidates, only need some symmetry to ensure that lightest particle is stable: UED, Warped Xtra-Dim, Little Higgs… Superweakly interacting particles might also work (gravitino)
Colliders : probing new physics
If DM is new particle – can be produced at colliders (LHC, ILC) What is mass scale – discovery reach What are properties of DM Determine the underlying model for NP at the weak scale + consistency checks of underlying model at high scale, Determination of properties of new particles – how well this can be done is model dependent From this deduce annihilation cross sections for dark matter Prediction for relic density – compare with measurement, if “collider prediction” precise enough it mean - Testing underlying cosmological model Also compute cross section for dark matter scattering on nuclei -> consistent with direct detection results ? Information on velocity distribution of DM ….
Establish DM and Determination of Ωh2 - with PLANCK 2008 ~5% level Constrain PP models assuming ΛCDM cosmology Direct detection Establish that a new particle is DM + some information on the mass of DM Compatibility with NP scenario (SUSY or other) Active area, many experiments underway : Xenon – new results in 2007 – Caveats: assumption about local density and velocity distribution Uncertainties in nuclear matrix elements Indirect detection Active area - search for DM in different channels (photons, positrons, neutrinos) Compatibility with NP scenario
DM candidates - examples
Models Status of neutralino in mSUGRA -CMSSM Other MSSM UED RH neutrino Scalar Constraints on models : expectations for mass scale and properties of DM Prospects for LHC, ILC and astro (DD) - reach In some cases : probing properties of DM candidates at colliders
Neutralino LSP Nature of neutralino influences annihilation cross-sections “naturally” correct annnihilation cross-section Bino with light sleptons – annihilation into fermions Bino-Higgsino LSP (annihilation in W/t pairs + some coan) “Fine-tuning” required Annihilation near resonance (heavy or light Higgs –LEP constraints) Sfermion coannihilation (stau or stop) σ of DM too small but density is depleted by coannihilation processes Only in beyond mSUGRA Bino-wino LSP (WW + coannihilation) Bino-wino-Higgsino LSP
WMAP – constraining CMSSM
Studies with grid scan and fixed value of parameters (mt) show 4 different regions that are consistent with WMAP – somewhat fine-tuned model LSP is in general bino Bino – LSP (LEP constraints) Sfermion Coannihilation Mixed Bino-Higgsino Annihilation into W pairs strong mt dependence Resonance (Z, light/heavy Higgs) LEP constraints for light Higgs/Z Heavy Higgs at large tanβ (enhanced Hbb vertex)
Colliders and direct detection
LHC Good for discovery of coloured particles, squarks, gluinos < TeV Sparticles in decay chains Limited reach when all squarks heavy – only chargino/neutralino “light” (in CMSSM when LSP is mixed bino/Higgsino) ILC – can exceed reach of LHC in large M0-“focus point” –χ+χ-, χ1χj Direct and indirect detection Good prospects for mixed bino/Higgsino Baer et al., hep-ph/
Direct detection - limits
Detect dark matter through interaction with nuclei in large detector Often dominate by Higgs exchange diagram (except when squarks are light) Higgsino component is necessary to have LSP coupling to Higgs – Annihilation of LSP in W pairs enhanced for mixed bino/Higgsino – also favoured for indirect detection Many experiments underway and planned In 2007 – new results announced from Xenon (Gran-Sasso) best limit ~factor 6 better than CDMS (Ge,Si) Xenon,E. Aprile, APS 2007
MCMC fits to CMSSM In CMSSM mt is important parameter strongly affects the position of the “focus point” region (DM properties are similar nevertheless – bino-Higgsino) also dependence on other SM parameters Global fits including SM parameters (mb,mt,α, αS) and MCMC approach + Bayesian statistics Markov chain Monte Carlo allow many parameters scans Ωh2, b->sγ, Mw, sin2θWl,BS->μμ, (g-2 )μ + LEP constraints Allanach et al, hep-ph/ , arXiv: Roszkowski, Trotta, Ruiz de Austri, arXiv: Ellis et al. , arXiv: (χ 2 fit)
CMSSM – MCMC fit Allanach et al, 07050487
Favoured region is small M0-M1/2 (with stau coan) but focus and Higgs funnel also allowed at 95%CL Either μ > 0 or μ<0 With flat priors in μ-B : small M0-M1/2 favoured Good prospects for SUSY at colliders Dependence on priors – not enough direct signals
“Mirage” unification Mixed modulus-anomaly mediated SUSY breaking MM-AMSB Apparent (mirage) unification of soft terms at scale Qmir (in minimal model 109 GeV but could even be above GUT scale) KKLT: type IIB superstring compactification with fluxes Kachru et al, hep-th/ MSSM soft terms and phenomenology explored Choi et al, hep-th/ ; Falkowski et al, hep-ph/ ; Kitano et al; Baer et al, hep-ph/ Minimal model specified by 5 ½ parameters : gravitino mass, ratio of MM/AMSB, tan β ,location of fields in extra dimensions: modular weights (n) and gauge kinetic function indices (l) m3/2, α, tanβ, sign(μ) n, l
DM in mirage unification
Gaugino unification at scale Qmir In minimal model: M3:M2:M1~ (1-0.3 α)g32 :(1+0.1 α) g22:( α) g12 Shifts in gaugino masses at weak scale compared to CMSSM E.g. smaller M3/M1 leads to smaller μ at weak scale –Higgsino LSP Scenarios with bino-Higgsino LSP – annihilation WW and tt Bino LSP+ stop coannihilation or Higgs resonance When M1~-M2 : mixed wino LSP and bino-wino coannihilation A large fraction of parameter space can give correct relic density assuming conventional thermal production
Mirage unification Main mechanisms for relic density within WMAP range
Higgs funnel (6) Higgsino LSP (5) Bino-wino LSP (8) LHC reach over full parameter space (only for this choice of parameters) ILC covers bino-wino region misses part of A-funnel and Higgsino regions nm=1/2, nH=1 Baer, Park, Tata, Wang, hep-ph/
Probing cosmology using collider information
Within the context of a given model can one make precise predictions for the relic density at the level of WMAP(10%) and even PLANCK (3%) therefore test the underlying cosmological model. Assume discovery SUSY/Higgs, precision from LHC? Precision for ILC? Answer depends strongly on underlying NP scenario, many parameters enter computation of relic density, only a handful of relevant ones for each scenario – work is going on both for LHC and ILC A few benchmark scenarios studied in detail 1st step : CMSSM scenario that predict relic density in agreement with WMAP. 2nd step : MSSM scenarios Other scenarios
One sample benchmark: SPS1a’
M0=70, M1/2=250, A0=-300,tanβ=10 bino+ stau coannihilation Annihilation into fermions Coannihilation with staus Relevant parameters : LSP mass, couplings, slepton masses stau-neutralino mass difference (for coannihilation processes – factor e -ΔM)
LHC+ILC and SPS1A’ Start with CMSSM then estimate error from LHC measurements+ vary all MSSM parameters within these errors LHC: measure neutralino-stau mass difference + 3 neutralino masses Nojiri et al hep-ph/ Also important to measure sfermion/ neutralino parameters and setting limits on Higgs, other coan. particles … With better determination of stau and neutralino masses – ILC much better “prediction” of relic density. Other CMSSM scenarios can be hard for LHC – ILC provide more precise measurements (when within reach) Baltz et al, hep-ph/
Colliders + direct detection
With measurements from LHC+ILC can we refine predictions for direct/indirect detection? YES LCC1 (not exactly same as SPS1a’) relic density too high Prediction for spin-independent cross-section Observable by 2010 Factor of 3 uncertainty, improves significantly at ILC1000 (heavy Higgs mass)
Another example : Higgsino- LCC2
If squarks are heavy difficult scenario for LHC only gluino accessible, chargino/neutralino in decays mass differences could be measured from neutralino leptonic decays, Relic density of DM depend on parameters of neutralino, need to be determine at % level Recent study shows that necessary precision cannot be reached Light Higgsinos possibly many accessible states at ILC chargino pair production sensitive to bino/Higgsino mixing parameter Baltz, et al , hep-ph/
LHC+ILC+direct detection – LCC2
Mixed bino-Higgsino LSP Large spin-independent cross-section Xenon best limit pb Ambiguities at LHC –ILC improves Study of bino-Higgsino scenario at LHC within context of NUHM –Polesello et al (Les Houches07) –results to come soon ILC – additional information in cases where hA is accessible?
DM in UED String theory and M theory : best candidate for consistent theory of quantum gravity and unification of all interactions Xtra dim models solve the hierachy problem either with compactified dim on circles of radius R effectively lowering the Planck scale near EW scale or introducing large curvature (warped) UED: flat Xdim , all fields propagate in the “bulk” Each bulk field has tower of KK states , mn~n/R Explain: 3 families from anomaly cancellation Dynamical EWSB No rapid proton decay
Vector boson DM – UED UED : All SM field propagate through all dim. of space R~TeV-1 KK parity for proton stability Minimal UED: LKP is B (1), partner of hypercharge gauge boson (spin 1) s-channel annihilation of LKP (gauge boson) typically more efficient than that of neutralino LSP Compatibility with WMAP means rather heavy LKP, GeV Tait, Servant ( 2002 ) Mostly relevant for multi-TeV colliders Kong, Matchev, hep-ph/
Right-handed Dirac neutrino
Typical framework: sterile Dirac neutrino under SM but charged under extra symmetry SU(2)R Phenomenologically viable model with warped extra-dimensions and right-handed neutrino (GeV-TeV) as Dark Matter was proposed (LZP) Agashe, Servant, PRL93, (2004) Stability requires additional symmetry , but symmetry might be necessary for EW precision or for stability of proton νR can couple to Z through ν’L- νR or Z-Z’ mixing –naturally small Main annihilation channel – Z/Z’ exchange
Direct detection : Dirac neutrino
Dirac neutrino: spin independent interaction dominated by Z exchange (vector-like coupling) very large cross-section for direct detection coupling ZνRνR cannot be too large Current DM experiments already restricts νR to ~MZ/2, ~MH/2 or M(νR) > 700GeV Vectorial coupling : elastic scattering on proton << neutron Direct detection is best way to probe this type of model At colliders: signal for KK quarks (Dennis et al. hep-ph/071158) and/or Z’ and/or invisible Higgs – to be explore Z GB, Pukhov, Servant
Scalar dark matter (singlet)
Extensions of SM Higgs sector that can affect Higgs phenomenology Simplest extension : add scalar singlet to SM + discrete symmetry-> stable scalar Singlet couples to Higgses –responsible for annihilation Higgs exchange also gives spin-independent direct detection
Scalar DM - No resonance annihilation needed DD directly related to annihilation cross-section Good prospects for direct detection Colliders : singlet modify properties of Higgs decays, (invisible decay) LHC can look for those, need high luminosity – ILC good probe of invisible Higgs No early signs of NP at LHC, yet possible signal in Direct detection – ILC with invisible H could provide important info. Barger et al
WIMPS GUT-scale models include string inspired models (e.g.moduli-dominated), AMSB, Split SUSY, Compressed SUSY, NUHM, mirage mediation
Conclusions Many models of SUSY or other NP with DM candidate in general motivated by EWSB problem Mass of DM varies over a wide range If LHC discover new particles, will give precious information on NP model and on potential DM candidate – some complementarity with direct/indirect detection Precise measurements of properties of DM at LHC (in favourable cases) and especially at ILC can reduce (PP) uncertainty in prediction of relic density and/or cross-sections in direct/indirect detection –might even test cosmological model
Determination of parameters LHC : SPA1A
Decay chain Signal: jet +dilepton pair Can reconstruct four masses from endpoint of ll and qll In particular stau-neutralino mass difference Here Δm (NLSP-LSP) = 10.5GeV Mixing in the stau sector obtained from For LSP couplings need 3 masses (χ1 χ2 χ4) and assume tanβ Assume tanβ known + limit on heavy stau and on heavy Higgs .087 < ΩCDMh2<.138
LHC and DM How will LHC see dark matter? What can LHC measure?
Missing energy Sample decay chain What can LHC measure? Mass differences (using endpoints) – percent level Masses (endpoints +cross-sections + theory) more difficult – Lester,Parker, White ’05 Some properties of particles: spin.. (Barr –hep-ph/ ) Reconstruct underlying model parameters especially if theoretical assumption White, hep-ph/
Non-universal gaugino masses
String inspired moduli-dominated : LSP has important wino component Binetruy et al, hep-ph/ Non universal SUGRA, Depending on the GUT scale relation between gaugino masses can find WMAP compatible region in all the M0-M1/2 plane GB, Boudjema, Cottrant, Pukhov, Bertin,Nezri, Orloff, Baer, Belyaev, Birkedal-Hansen, Nelson, Mambrini, Munoz… M1~M2 LSP is mixed bino-wino annihilation more efficient, scale of LSP ~ 500GeV M1=1.8M2|GUT mixed bino/wino Higgs exchange GB, et al, NPB706(2005)
Non-universality Many high scale models with non-universal gaugino masses and/or non-universal Higgs masses Heterotic supersting with orbifold compactification, SUSY breaking dominated by moduli field XtraDim SUSY GUT models, SUSY breaking via gaugino mediation Pheno -motivated Compressed SUSY : if M3<M2 at GUT scale, less fine-tuning to have small values of m2Hu – squarks not so heavy relative to LSP Martin, PhysReVD74 (2007) From DM point of view: in these models, easier to get LSP not pure bino --- Can find WMAP compatible regions in all M0-M1/2 plane Mixed bino-Higgsino LSP or mixed bino-wino LSP or even bino-wino-Higgsino LSP : annihilation efficent, scale of LSP can be several hundred GeV Higgsino-LSP not necessarily associated with very heavy scalar spectrum and very heavy Higgs like in mSUGRA
Non-universal Higgs masses
Motivated by SO(10) or SU(5) GUTs – Higgs fields in different representation than fermion field μ smaller than in CMSSM –LSP bino/Higgsino (even at low M0) Annihilation via Higgs resonance even when tanβ not large Even when squarks are not as heavy as in CMSSM, ILC reach (chargino pair) can exceed that of LHC ILC: when heavy Higgs not so heavy – ee->hA, H+H- When μ small : also all neutralinos and charginos ILC ILC Baer et al hep-ph/
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