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Plot What Is Plot? Conflict Plot Structure Timing and Pacing Flashback

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Presentation on theme: "Plot What Is Plot? Conflict Plot Structure Timing and Pacing Flashback"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plot What Is Plot? Conflict Plot Structure Timing and Pacing Flashback
Feature Menu What Is Plot? Conflict Plot Structure Timing and Pacing Flashback Flash-Forward Foreshadowing Practice

2 What Is Plot? Plot is the series of related events that make up a story or drama. Like links in a chain, each event hooks our curiosity and pulls us forward to the next event. [End of Section]

3 (Your notes should look like this)
Plot: the events in the story. A good one pulls you along [End of Section]

4 Conflict Conflict is the struggle or clash between opposing characters or forces. Conflicts may be external: firefighter vs. fire or internal: firefighter vs. his or her fear

5 Conflict An external conflict may be a struggle between
Character vs. Character (eg. 2 friends competing in sports, 2 sisters fighting for their father’s approval) Character vs. Group (eg. a character fighting against the prejudice of his classmates) Character vs. Environment (eg. Tries to survive a storm, cross the sea, etc.)

6 (Your notes should look like this)
External conflict: Character against something outside of himself 1. Character against another character, (eg. 2 sisters fighting) 2. Character against a group of people (eg. Character fights prejudice) 3. Character vs. Environment (eg. Character climbs mountain)

7 Conflict An internal conflict is a struggle that takes place within a character’s mind or heart. Characters struggle with themselves to make decisions. Characters have fears they can’t control, or feelings about other characters that are complex.

8 (Your notes should look like this)
Internal conflict: happens inside character’s head. Character has a difficult decision to make Character has fears, or complex feelings

9 Conflict Quick Check Is this an external or internal conflict?
Rainsford knew he could do one of two things. He could stay where he was and wait. That was suicide. He could flee. That was postponing the inevitable. For a moment he stood there, thinking. An idea that held a wild chance came to him, and, tightening his belt, he headed away from the swamp. from “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell [End of Section]

10 Plot Structure Plots are usually built in four major parts. Climax
Complications Resolution Basic Situation/Exposition

11 (Your notes should look like this)
Plot – 4 parts Climax Complications Resolution Basic Situation/Exposition

12 Plot Structure 1 Basic situation, or exposition
Opening of the story with basic background information Introduces the main character, his motivation (what he wants) and the conflict that gets in the way. Jorge wants to go to university in Bogota, but his family can only afford to pay the tuition at a local college in Armenia.

13 (Your notes should look like this)
1 Basic situation, or exposition opening of the story character and his conflict(s) introduced

14 Plot Structure 2 Complication
The main character takes action but encounters more problems What seemed like a simple conflict, now is more complicated Jorge goes to work on a nearby finca to earn extra money. There, he meets Maria, and the two start dating.

15 (Your notes should look like this)
2 Complication Problem / Conflict gets bigger and more complicated

16 Plot Structure 3 Climax The most exciting, important scene in the story with the highest tension The character usually faces a decision and we learn the outcome of the conflict Jorge and Maria argue about his leaving for university. Paul must choose to stay or go.

17 (Your notes should look like this)
3 Climax Most exciting part character makes choice and decides outcome

18 Plot Structure 4 Resolution Final part of the story.
The conflict is resolved and the reader learns how everything ends. Jorge decides to leave for university in Bogota. Maria makes plans to visit him and wishes him well. [End of Section]

19 (Your notes should look like this)
4 Resolution Ending, resolution of conflict. [End of Section]

20 Foreshadowing Foreshadowing is the use of clues to hint at events that will occur later in the plot. Foreshadowing can make a story more exciting by increasing suspense. (More on foreshadowing tomorrow) [End of Section]

21 Practice Choose a children’s story or fairy tale that is familiar to you. Draw a plot diagram like the one shown here. Add labels describing the key parts of the story’s plot. Use your imagination to write a flashback that could occur in one part of the story. [End of Section]

22 The End

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