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Physical Weathering Day One

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Weathering Day One"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Weathering Day One

2 Physical Weathering The process that breaks down rock into smaller pieces.

3 Temperature Change Increase in temperature will cause rock to expand
Decrease in temperature will cause rock to shrink Repeated will cause rock to crumble

4 Where on Earth would physical weathering from temperature changes be most common? Least common?

5 Pressure Change Rocks formed underground can be exposed to the surface
As the rock appears above ground the pressure changes Exfoliation: the outer layer of the rock slowly wears away because of a change in pressure

6 Where is the example of exfoliation?

7 Animal Action Animals can cause physical weathering by digging.
New rocks, soils, and other materials become exposed at the surface Materials exposed at the surface are more likely to undergo weathering than those below.

8 Wind, Water, Gravity Abrasion is the breaking down and wearing away of rock material by the mechanical action of other rocks. Three agents of physical weathering that can cause abrasion are moving water, wind, and gravity. Rocks suspended in a glacier can also cause abrasion of other rocks on Earth’s surface.

9 Describe the weathering process in this picture.

10 Describe how these rocks weather.

11 Plant Growth Roots of plants start out as tiny strands that may grow in small cracks in rocks. As the roots grow, they put more pressure on the rock, causing the rock to expand and eventually break apart.

12 What’s happening in this picture?

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