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James 5:1-12 Warnings to Rich Oppressors

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Presentation on theme: "James 5:1-12 Warnings to Rich Oppressors"— Presentation transcript:

1 James 5:1-12 Warnings to Rich Oppressors
Swearing – Start your brain before putting tongue into gear Reminders about Patience

2 James 4:1 “You rich people should cry and weep…
Terrible things are going to happen to you”

3 James 4:2 Clothes – Moth Eaten Treasures – Rotted

4 James 4:3 Money has rusted Rust will be evidence against you

5 Rust Facts Pure Gold 24K - Does not Rust
White Gold – Alloy of gold and nickel, manganese or palladium 10K Gold – Stronger, less expensive

6 Proverbs 11:4 When God is angry money won’t save you
Obeying God is the only way to be saved from death

7 Luke 12:15 Jesus said to the crowd, “Don’t be greedy! Owning a lot of things won’t make your life safe”

8 Porgy and Bess “I got plenty of nothing”

9 Luke 6:38 “If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return” Packed down, shaken, spilling over “The way you treat others is the way you will be treated”

10 A Modest Proposal

11 What were the wealthy doing to the poor
James 5:4 “You refused to pay the people who worked in your fields” James 5:6 “Condemned and murdered innocent people”

12 Scriptures Known to Landowners
Deuteronomy 24: Pay before sunset Leviticus 19:13 Don’t hold wages overnight Deuteronomy 24:13 Return cloak before sunset

13 Imelda Marcos 3000 pairs of shoes 500 bras 12 million in jewelry
“I dress up because the ‘Little People’ want to see a Star’ Imelda Marcos

14 The Pearl John Steinbeck

15 Youth Spend Health to get Wealthy The Old Spend Wealth to get Healthy

16 Charges from wealthy Jewish land owners to the poor
Verse 7-12 Charges from wealthy Jewish land owners to the poor down trodden Jewish workers “Be patient until the Lord Returns”

17 James 4:7 “My friends, be patient until the Lord returns”

18 Matthew 18:12-22 Peter to Jesus, “How many times must I forgive my brother, up to 7 times?”

19 God forgave Israel’s enemies 3 times before punishing them
Priest taught: Never more than 3 Citing Amos 1:3-13 God forgave Israel’s enemies 3 times before punishing them

20 70 x 7 means FOREVER Forgive but be wary

21 The 3 R’s of Accountability
Repentance Restitution Personal Responsibility

22 Make amends to those we have harmed Add 20% more – like interest
AA Step 9 Make amends to those we have harmed Add 20% more – like interest

23 James 5:7-11

24 “Everyone complains about the weather but no one does anything about it.”

25 Yes or No is all you need to say.
James 5:12 Don’t take an oath. Yes or No is all you need to say.

26 TABLE TALK Is it fair to pay back some things we took if we are forgiven? What do the 3 R’s of Accountability mean? Repentance Restitution Personal Responsibility

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