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Market Research.

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1 Market Research

2 Market Research

3 Internal Sources Company Accounts Internal Reports and Analysis
Stock Analysis Retail data - loyalty cards, till data, etc.

4 External Sources Government Statistics (ONS) EU - Euro Stat
Trade publications Commercial Data - Gallup, Mintel, etc. Household Expenditure Survey Magazine surveys Other firms’ research Research documents – publications, journals, etc.

5 Primary Research This is often called ‘field research’.
This is a way of collecting information directly or first-hand which did not previously exist. Eg. If you surveyed all of Years 10/11 to find out their favourite foods at the cafeteria.

6 Secondary Research Often called ‘desk research’.
This is information which has already been collected, organised and published. Eg. If someone at UWC did a survey on what their Year 10/11 students thought of their cafeteria food and wanted to use your research from Tanglin’s Year 10/11’s, then this is an example of using secondary research.

7 Market Research Primary Research First hand information
Expensive to collect, analyse and evaluate Can be highly focussed and relevant Care needs to be taken with the approach and methodology to ensure accuracy Types of question – closed – limited information gained; open – useful information but difficult to analyse

8 Market Research Quantitative and Qualitative Information:
Quantitative – based on numbers – 56% of 18 year olds drink alcohol at least four times a week - doesn’t tell you why, when, how Qualitative – more detail – tells you why, when and how!

9 Purpose

10 Market Research Advantages of Market Research
Helps focus attention on objectives Aids forecasting, planning and strategic development May help to reduce risk of new product development Communicates image, vision, etc. Globalisation makes market information valuable (HSBC adverts!!)

11 Market Research Disadvantages of Market Research
Information only as good as the methodology used Can be inaccurate or unreliable Results may not be what the business wants to hear! May stifle initiative and ‘gut feeling’ Always a problem that we may never know enough to be sure!

12 Task Using the ‘Where Singapore’ survey as a guide, create your own survey to distribute to the class. You are to conduct a survey on which types of fast food students prefer to eat. (Remember, you can have healthy alternatives as well. ‘Subway’ is fast food but is a lot healthier than McDonald’s).

13 What should you ask? Most popular fast food restaurant?
Most popular fast food menu choice? (Can have more than one) What influences people in their choice of restaurant and menu choices? How often do they eat it? Usually alone/with friends? Where do they normally buy it from? Location?

14 What should you ask? Age Gender Where they live Nationality

15 Homework Complete survey results with at least two charts using information from any two questions from your survey

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