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Beam Sync Output - fiber, one microsecond pulse of Beam Sync Input

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Presentation on theme: "Beam Sync Output - fiber, one microsecond pulse of Beam Sync Input"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Module I/O features: Beam Sync Input - fiber, derived from zero-crossing of the AC line
Beam Sync Output - fiber, one microsecond pulse of Beam Sync Input Aux Sync Output - fiber, delayed time-variable pulse allowing triggering of diagnostics synchronously with Beam Sync (still pondering granularity of time increments, suggestions?) Acc PSS A & B Inputs - fiber, from PSS, both "live" and latched statuses available for readback Acc , Hall A, Hall B, Hall C, Hall D FSD Inputs - fiber, both "live" and latched statuses available for readback Hall A, Hall B, Hall C, Hall D Beam Outputs – Lemo and fiber, individual beam modulation for each Hall Mizar card interface - required or not in the future?

2 Proposed Timing Features: Retain 10, 15, 30Hz Harmonic modes of operation. Retain 57-60Hz free-run modes. VL mode - generated at a variable time from us AFTER Beam Sync.  Variable pulse width duration from 250ns - 10us in 250ns increments. Tune mode - triggered at Beam Sync.  Fixed time length of 250us with variable beam-on period from 100us - 250us in 10us increments. “Beam-off” time period from us in 250ns increments. Marker pulse width duration from 250ns – 10us in 250ns increments. CW mode - no change from existing system. User/expert mode - Mizar-generated signal if retained, or the possibility of complex user-defined timing structures embedded in the FPGA (TBD and implemented). Multiple VL or Tune mode output pulses per single 60Hz cycle?

3 Beam Sync Input VL Mode Tune Mode CW Mode 250ns-10us “ON 347-354us
97-104us “OFF CW Mode

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