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GIS and its applications in Health

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1 GIS and its applications in Health
دانشکده بهداشت دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران آذر ماه 1384 ارايه دهنده: علي اکبر حقدوست

2 Definition John Snow project
Lilienfeld 1976 in “Fundamental epidemiology” Epidemiology: study of distribution of disease, or pathological condition in human populations and factors that influence this distribution What does mean “distribution” in above definition? We should explore the distribution in time and space John Snow project GIS workshop in TUMS

3 ٍExample GIS workshop in TUMS

4 Poisson Distribution Assumptions: Constant proportion in area
Independent distribution GIS workshop in TUMS

5 Flying bombs strikes, south London
آيا بمبهاي آلمان در جنگ جهاني دوم آن گونه كه ادعا مي نمود قدرت تفكيك بالا در هدف قرار دادن مواضع را داشت؟ GIS workshop in TUMS

6 Flying bombs strikes, south London
Number of bombs in cells # of cells 1 2 3 4 5 Total observed 229 211 93 35 7 576 expected 227.5 211.3 98.2 30.4 7.1 1.54 GIS workshop in TUMS

7 Flying bombs strikes, south London
How can we test if the distribution of bombs was random? GIS workshop in TUMS

8 Flying bombs strikes, south London
This method is robust even for small sample numbers You can estimate variance even based on the group data Limitation It does not taking into account distances between events GIS workshop in TUMS

9 Nearest neighbor method
Minimum distance between observation I and (n-1) Checks the distances between events A a b c d GIS workshop in TUMS

10 Exponential (e) GIS workshop in TUMS

11 Exponential (e) GIS workshop in TUMS

12 R r GIS workshop in TUMS

13 Probability that a random point within the boundaries of the large circle falls within the boundaries of the small circle Probability that a random point within the boundaries of the large circle does not fall within the boundaries of the small circle Probability that n random points within the boundaries of the large circle does not fall within the boundaries of the small circle GIS workshop in TUMS

14 Probability that at least one of n random points within the boundaries of the large circle falls within the boundaries of the small circle GIS workshop in TUMS

15 Expected median, mean and variance based on these explanations (nearest neighbor analysis)
GIS workshop in TUMS

16 example آيا بين نقاط اين شكل هيچ ارتباطي وجود دارد؟
GIS workshop in TUMS

17 نقاط ضعف روش نزديكترين گزينه
Very large and small area (A) may reduce the significance GIS workshop in TUMS

18 Boundary influence GIS workshop in TUMS

19 Transformed map Uniform distribution is violated in nearly all situations. Redraw a map so that the density of the individuals at risk is equalized over the area under study, called a cartogram GIS workshop in TUMS

20 Original map GIS workshop in TUMS

21 Cartogram GIS workshop in TUMS

22 Limitations in using cartogram
We need to have an accurate map to illustrate the population density The population at risk is not usually distributed exactly the same as the whole population It needs power full computer to generate a cartogram GIS workshop in TUMS

23 Alternative method Case control approach
It means we can compare the spatial distribution of cases versus controls using Poisson models GIS workshop in TUMS

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