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Iceland volcano: The latest spectacular pictures of the volcanic eruption.

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Presentation on theme: "Iceland volcano: The latest spectacular pictures of the volcanic eruption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iceland volcano: The latest spectacular pictures of the volcanic eruption

2                                                                                               Lightning streaks across the sky as lava flows from a volcano in Eyjafjallajokul

3                                                                                               It is not clear why bolts of lightning are sometimes seen within erupting volcanoes...

4 ...One theory is that that the spewing magma bubbles or particles of volcanic ash are themselves electrically charged, and by their motion create separately charged areas...                                                                                              

5                                                                                               ...Another theory is that lightning may be caused by charge-inducing collisions in volcanic dust

6 Several photographers have captured this phenomenon at the Icelandic volcano

7 The ash plume of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano streams southwards over the Northern Atlantic Ocean in this satellite photograph...

8                                                                                               ...A close-up of the erupting volcano and the ash plume from space

9                                                                                               A woman stands near a waterfall that has been dirtied by ash that has accumulated from the ash plume of an erupting volcano near Eyjafjallajokull, Iceland

10                                                                                               A photograph taken on 25 March shows the Aurora Borealis aka Northern Lights behind the volcanic eruption in Iceland at Fimmvorduhals

11 This photo, taken on 25 March, shows a woman watching the eruption and the Aurora Borealis

12                                                                                               Lava fountains spurting during volcano eruption in Iceland at Fimmvorduhals. Picture taken on 25 March

13 Horses are herded to safety away from volcanic ash clouds near Eyjafjallajokull, Iceland

14 Tourist and scientists photograph the volcanic eruption in Fimmvorduhals


16                                                                                               Photographer Omar Oskarsson and journalist Runar Palmason join volcanic scientists Sigurdur Gislason and Helgi Alfredsson as they collect samples from the ash to send to labs to analyse the contents


18                                                                                               A film crew working for National Geographic publication set up their equipment on southern Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull glacier after landing on the glacier, close to the volcanic eruption







25 Wow The end

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