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Pregnancy Definitions

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1 Pregnancy Definitions
Conception: The action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived Abortion: The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy 1st Amendment: ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, prohibiting congress from interfering with freedom of religion, speech, assembly or petition

2 Pregnancy Definitions
14th Amendment: Ratified in 1868, defining national citizenship and forbidding the states to restrict the basic rights of citizens or other persons Ethical Dilemmas: two or more ethical principles in conflict with one another Viability: capable of living, physically fitted to live

3 Types of Abortions Suction Aspiration: during 1st 12 weeks, Local anesthesia, cervix dilated, suction tube inserted into the womb, connected to a vacuum, 29 X more powerful than a household vacuum.

4 Types of Abortions Dilation & Curettage: during 1st 12 weeks, Similar to suction, hook shaped knife used to remove the products of conception

5 Types of Abortions Dilation & Evacuation (D&E): Used up to 18 weeks, Instead of a curett a loop-shaped knife with forceps are used

6 Types of Abortions Saline Injection: after 16 weeks, salt solution is injected into the amniotic sac , salt effects the organ function of the fetus, death of the baby usually leads to death

7 Types of Abortions Prostaglandin Chemical Abortion: Labor is induced causing the fetus to be born early Hysterotomy or Cesarean Section: similar to c-section the baby and sometimes the uterus are removed through surgery.

8 Types of Abortions Partial Birth Abortions: The baby is partially manually delivered and then the brains are removed before the baby is entirely delivered.

9 Roe vs. Wade 1973 Woman’s right to privacy (1st amendment)
1st tri: decision between woman and physician 2nd Tri: State may regulate the abortion procedure 3rd Tri: State has a compelling interest in the “product” so can override the woman’s right

10 Doe V. Bolton 1973 Georgia’s abortion statute
Specify what regulations the state can enact during each trimester Struck down preabortion procedural requirements Residency In accredited Hospital only Approval by med committee Consultations of two copractitioners

11 Danforth v. Planned Parenthood 1976 and Belloti v Baird
<18 unconstitutional to require parental consent Does not define when consent may be required Belloti v. Baird Overturned Massachusetts statute requiring parental consent <18 Protected by the 14th amendment

12 Maher v. Roe 1977 & Harris v. McRae 1980
Supreme Court supported Connecticut in the decision to deny Medicaid payment for abortions Harris v. McRae State may choose to us Medicaid funds to pay for medically necessary abortions

13 Colautti v. Franklin 1979 State can choose to protect a fetus that a physician has determined to be viable Individual State Statutes Must allow physicians to make the best medical judgment

14 H.L. v. Matheson 1981 Supreme Court supported State Utah Statute
“notify if possible” the parents of a minor once an abortion was performed This is just notice not consent

15 City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health 1983
States cannot (1) Mandate what info physician must give parents Beyond procedure consent (2) Require after 3mo that abortion be done in hospital Cost and availability (3) 24 hour waiting period (4) Under age 15 consult guardian & obtain consent

16 Rust v. Sullivan 1991 Family planning clinics and Title X Argument
How can a woman make an informed choice between two options when she cannot obtain information as to one of them? Supreme Court found that there was no violation

17 Planned Parenthood v. Casey 1992
Ruled that it is “not an undue burden” Woman be informed Offered info and alternatives Informed consent Require parental consent for minor with judicial bypass options 24 hour waiting period

18 Women’s Medical Professional Corp. v. Voinovich 1998
Ohio Statute Terminations in later term only if medical risk Statute banned D&X of previable and postviable abortions Determined to be unconstitutionally vague Professional judgment, two providers

19 Stenberg v. Carhart 2000 Nebraska ban on partial birth abortions
Ban considered unconstitutional and a violation of Roe v. Wade Supreme Court struck this ban down Stating it to be an extremely descript attempt at outlawing abortions

20 Partial Birth Abortion Ban Made Law 2003
November 6th President Bush signed the first federal restrictions banning late-term partial-birth abortions No exceptions U.S. district Court in Nebraska issued a restraining order on the ban

21 Abortion Rights 2004 Hundreds of thousands from more than 60 countries
Marched in Washington DC “Pro Choice-Pro Child” “It’s Your Choice…Not Theirs” “My Family My Choice” “My Body My Choice” “Justice for All” “Keep Abortion Legal”

22 State Abortion Statutes
1973 Roe and Doe tried to eliminate State statutes regarding Abortion It is clear States have been given more power to regulate the performance of abortions

23 Spousal Consent Florida Therapeutic Abortion Act, Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act, and in Planned Parenthood v. Casey required a married woman to obtain the husband’s consent before an abortion Found to be unconstitutional Husband’s interest in baby insufficient Undue burden on the woman

24 In competent Persons’ Consent
The court can appoint a surrogate decision maker Family court in In re Doe

25 South Dakota tried to Ban Abortion
2 houses of State legislation voted overwhelmingly for the bill This legislation was vetoed Pro choice advocates argued for a woman’s rights Called for the State to be evenhanded in its health care policies

26 Utah Woman Refuses C-Section
Woman was charged with criminal homicide Refused c-section when physician recommended it One of her twins died prior to delivery

27 Morality of Abortion Not a legal or constitutional issue; it is a matter of philosophy, ethics, and theology Our obligation is to define the liberty of all, not to mandate our own moral code.

28 Current News on Abortion
Susan G Komen foundation stopped grant funding to Planned Parenthood Claimed policy barred support for organizations under government investigation Investigation into Planned Parenthood’s compliance with federal restrictions on funding abortions

29 Current News on Abortion
Planned Parenthood feels that Komen is bowing to pressure from anti-abortion activists Karen Handel VP advocated for the defunding in her fun for Georgia governor

30 Current News on Abortion
Komen has invested nearly $2 billion in diagnosis, treatment, research & education since 1982 Komen reversed it’s decision Planned Parenthood received donations of $3 million over the past 10 days

31 Current News on Abortion

32 Current News on Abortion
Republicans vow to reverse Obama’s policy on birth control Obama looking for a way to allay the concerns Can the government tell a faith based organization what they must pay for?

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