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Population Growth, Limiting Factors & Carrying Capacity

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Presentation on theme: "Population Growth, Limiting Factors & Carrying Capacity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Growth, Limiting Factors & Carrying Capacity

2 Essential Question How do limiting factors affect carrying capacity of ecosystems?

3 Population Growth - Exponential
Under ideal conditions with unlimited resources, the larger a population gets, the faster it grows. Not realistic - limiting factors prevent this type of growth from continuing

4 Population Growth - Logistic
Eventually all populations stop exponential growth Limiting factors stabilize growth

5 Limiting Factors Control population sizes
Biotic: food, mates, disease, predators Abiotic: space, water, weather

6 Density Dependent Limiting Factors
Only affect population sizes when they reach a certain density Ex: predator-prey relationship

7 Density Independent Limiting Factors
Affect population sizes regardless of density Ex: natural disasters

8 Carrying Capacity The maximum population size that can be supported by the available resources Where a population stabilizes following exponential growth


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