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3 INTRODUCTION The Delhi sultanate is a noble example for the glory of medieval India. Its culture, art and architecture that exists even today is praiseworthy. The Sultans of Delhi ruled for quite a long period of 320 years during which there were achievements in different fields.


5 THE KHALJI DYNASTY Jalaluddin Khalji established Khalji dynasty.
The founder of Turkish dynasty, Jalaluddin Khalji was seventy when he ascended the throne. He defeated the descendants of Balban, being victorious came to power. He was kind hearted, mild and trusting in nature. The most important event during the reign of Jalaluddin was attack on the Yadav city of Devagiri.

6 Alauddin Khalji The New Emperor of Delhi, Alauddin Khalji, murdered his uncle Jalaluddin Khalji to gain the throne. Sultan Alauddin Khilji’s was the second ruler of the Turkic Afghans. He is known as the most powerful ruler of the Khilji dynasty. It was his ambition to establish a vast empire. He introduced more controversial policies. All religious lands were removed and marriages between noble families were allowed by the King. The Emperor also introduced market and price control for food grains, cloth and other essentials. The land revenue was raised and made more efficient. Thus the Emperor enforced a highly centralized system of government

7 Read source 4.18

8 Decline of the Khiljis Alauddin died of fever in 1316 AD.
Mubarak Shah and Khusru Shah succeeded him. Khusru Shah was killed by Ghazi Malik, who was the governor of Dipalpur. He succeeded the throne of Delhi under the title of Ghiyasuddin Tughluq in This was the beginning of the ‘Tughluq Dynasty’.


10 THE TUGHLUQ DYNASTY Ghazi Malik ascended the throne as Sultan Ghiyasuddin Tughluq Shah and founded the third dynasty of the Sultanate. He was an efficient ruler and a good administrator. He rooted out corruption , looked after the welfare of the peasants , increased land under cultivation , improved means of communication , transport and the postal system , constructed bridges and canals , increased the wages of civil servants and restored the privileges of his revenue officers. He was a devout Muslim but he never persecuted the Hindus.

11 He never drank wine and he was strict to follow Islamic rules.
He had a quick temper example? Mongols converted into Muslim and started themselves as Mughals, which was the start of Mughals. Wanted to conquer Delhi, Multan and other rich cities of India. Sultan tried to stop them and for this he paid high amount. But he died due to the sever fever and illness. His cousin Firoz shah took the charge of the throne.

12 Urdu develops in the time of Delhi sultanate.

13 Firoz shah: After Muhammad Bin Tughlaq’s death the nobles and the theologians of the court selected his cousin Firoz Shah as the next sultan. Firoz could neither suppress revolts nor win back the provinces that had broken away. Captured thatta. He constructed canals for irrigation and also established four new towns – Firozabad (built new city near the banks of river Yamuna). He promoted learning and built several madrasas. He also developed royal factories in which thousands of slaves were employed. About 300 new towns were built during his reign. He was one of the last great sultans of Delhi.


15 Timur: Timur invaded India in 1398.
After the collapse of the Tughluq dynasty, India became politically weak this further opened opportunities for foreign invasions. In 1398 Tamerlane from central Asia attacked India. He was called Timur the Lame because of his battle wounds. Like Genghis khan he wanted to rule the world, he used Samarkand as his base city to attack other cities. He was ruthless leader and killed many people. He killed people and built minaret of their skulls.

16 After invasion in India, timur captured Punjab and on the way to capture Delhi he killed many Hindus. He also fought with Muhammad Tughluq. A lot of wealth was taken from India by him. Delhi, after his attack was in ruins, the wealth taken by him was used to beautify Samarkand, his capital. Built mosque called “Bibi Khanum”. Read source 4.27 and 4.29(a)


18 SAYYID DYNASTY Khizr Khan, the founder of the Saiyyid dynasty had collaborated with Timur and as a reward he was given the governorship of Lahore, Multan and Dipalpur. In 1414, he invaded Delhi and became it’s master. Alauddin Alam Shah was the last ruler of the Saiyyid dynasty and hardly did more than sustain the Sultanate in Delhi until 1451. The rulers of this dynasty were Khizr Khan, Mubarak Shah, Muhammad Shah and Ala- ud-din Alam Shah. The last ruler of the dynasty was so weak that he surrendered the throne of Delhi to Bahlol Lodi, who was at that time the governor of Sind and Lahore.



21 LODHI DYNASTY After thirty-seven years of chaotic rule, Bahlol Lodi recognized as primus inter pares(first among equals) by his nationals, acquired control of Delhi and laid the foundation of the Lodi dynasty. The Lodi’s ruled for seventy-five years, were Afghans by race. The last Lodi Sultan, Ibrahim Lodi ( ) was defeated and killed by Babur in the first battle of Panipat in With the fall of the Lodi’s, the Sultanate of Delhi also ended



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