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Our Solar System By Mason Rucker

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1 Our Solar System By Mason Rucker
Our solar system is about four point six billion years old. In our solar system there are nine planets. In the solar system the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto.

2 The Sun The Sun is more than three million times bigger than Earth.
The Sun is around ninety-nine point eighty eight percent of the solar system’s mass. The Sun’s core is close to thirteen million six hundred thousand degrees Celsius.

3 Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
Mercury is thirty six million miles (fifty eight million kilometers) from the sun. Mercury turns slowly, it takes fifty nine Earth days to spin once.

4 Venus Venus revolves around the sun for two- hundred twenty five days.
Venus is sixty seven million miles(one hundred eight million kilometers) away from the sun. Venus is the brightest planet our solar system.

5 Earth and our Moon Earth is the third planet to the Sun. The Moon was formed close to four point five billion years ago. Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has life.

6 Mars In one year on Mars there is one year and six-hundred eighty-seven days. Today forty three thousand craters were found that are only large craters. Mars is usually called the red planet.

7 The Asteroid Belt The asteroid belt is in between the inner and outer planets. Our asteroid belt was discovered in eighteen-o-one. Lots of big asteroids have names like Ceres, Gaspra, Ida, Itokawa, and Mathilde.

8 Jupiter Jupiter has close to thirty-six moons.
Jupiter is the fifth planet to the Sun. Jupiter’s “The Great Red Spot” is a never- ending storm that has gone on for more than three-hundred years.

9 Saturn Saturn has close to thirty-one moons.
Saturn’s atmosphere is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium. Saturn doesn’t have a solid surface like the other gas giants.

10 Uranus Uranus is called a gas giant like the other outer planets.
Uranus has close to twenty-seven moons. Uranus is the seventh planet to the Sun.

11 Neptune Neptune is one of the most windiest place in the solar system.
On Neptune winds can reach two- thousand kilometers per hour(one- thousand two-hundred miles per hour). Neptune has close to thirteen moons.

12 Dwarf Planet Pluto Pluto’s atmosphere is mostly made up of nitrogen.
Pluto’s moon is almost as big as Pluto itself. It takes Pluto two-hundred eight and a half years to complete its orbit around the Sun.

13 Black Hole The point of no return near the black hole is called the event horizon. Black holes don’t emit radiation by their selves. Black holes are more than the strangest thing in the universe.

14 The Pinwheel Galaxy The Pinwheel Galaxy has at least one trillion stars. There are lots of x-ray sources in the Pinwheel Galaxy. The Pinwheel Galaxy has a spiral look.

15 Space Shuttle The Space shuttle is the first reusable space craft ever in the world. The Columbia space shuttle weighed around one-hundred eight thousand pounds. Columbia launched in April twelfth, nineteen eighty one.

16 Astronauts Fourteen astronauts lost their lives from space shuttle crashes. An astronaut is a person that is trained by a space program to lead pilot. The word astronauts means star sailor.

17 The Oort Cloud The Oort Cloud is an extended shell of icy objects that exist in the most outer reaches of our Solar System. The Oort Cloud is named after the astronomer Jan Oort. The Oort Cloud is roughly spherical.

18 Solar Eclipse A Solar Eclipse happens when the moon orbits Between the Earth and the Sun. A Solar Eclipse happens on a New Moon. In a Solar Eclipse the Moon’s shadow moves across the Earth’s surface.

19 Comets Comet orbits are mostly elliptical.
Comets aren’t spaceships or alien bases. Most comets aren’t larger than a couple kilometers across.

20 Resources Harcourt science book. http://www.planetsforkids.o rg.html


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