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Petrik Attila (PhD student)

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Presentation on theme: "Petrik Attila (PhD student)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The structural evolution of Bükkalja based on field works and seismic section analysis
Petrik Attila (PhD student) ELTE, Dept. of Physical and Applied Geology

2 The revelation of main structural evolution phases of Bükkalja focusing on Miocene period
The comparison of field works and seismic section analysis in fault identification The creation of some structural sketch models from Late Oligocene to Late Miocene period

3 Applied methods Field works (76 measurement points, cca structural data: striae, joints, stylolites, deformation bands, gravel cracks, fissures, foliation, folds) Stress field analysis (115 stress fields), fault statistics Fault identification based on morphology, Bouguer gravitational and geological maps Wells studying 2D seismic section analysis (76 sections were interpreted) of Vatta Maklár Through horizons picking (Top Mesozoic, Top Paleogene, Base Pannonian) fault interpretation (fault correlation, fault polygons) Faults identified by seismic section analysis were compared with Bouguer gravitational and geological maps, stress fields and measurements of quarries found just above or very close to fault polygons

4 The location of the studied area and measurement points





9 Results



12 Faults and their kinematics during Paleogene

13 Faults and their kinematics during Early Miocene

14 Faults and their kinematics during Middle Miocene

15 Faults and their kinematics during Late Miocene

16 Seismic section analysis (1) Location of sections

17 HHE-North Kft.

18 HHE-North Kft.

19 HHE-North Kft.

20 HHE-North Kft.

21 Base Pannonian surface combined with fault polygons and Late Miocene faults (MÁFI)

22 Rahe et all. (1998)

23 Normal and reverse drag evolution
and superposition Rykkelid & Fossen, 2002

24 Late Miocene faults and their kinematics of the studied area on Bouguer gravitational map

25 Novaj, Late Miocene sandstone
Novaj, Late Miocene tuff Tard –Cserépváralja, Middle Miocene ignimbrite




29 Acknowledgements Dr. Fodor László
(MTA–ELTE Geológiai, Geofizikai és Űrtudományi Kutatócsoport ) Pelikán Pál (MÁFI) Gulácsi Zoltán (MÁFI) HHE North Kft. Diáktársaimnak: Ifj. Konkoly Sándor (PTE-TTK) Zelei Zoltán (EFK) Beke Barbara

30 MK-26 section E W HHE-North Kft.

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