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Nutritional Assessment of a Community

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1 Nutritional Assessment of a Community
Dr. Hamda Qotba, B.Med.Sc, M.D, ABCM

2 Terminology you have to know
Nutrition: Process by which living organism receives material and uses them to promote it’s vital activities Nutrient: Any substance which is digested and absorbed to promote body function

3 Diet: Selection of food which is normally eaten by person or population Food: Substance when eaten , digested, absorbed provide at least one nutrient Balanced diet : Diet that provide adequate amount of all nutrients

4 Nutritional assessment:
Malnutrition: Caused by incorrect amount of nutrient intake Nutritional status: Health status that produced by balanced between requirements and intake Nutritional assessment: Measurement of nutritional status by anthropometrics , biochemical data, dietary history

5 A) Collect anthropometrics measurements
B) Look at biochemical data C) Conduct physical examination to detect the clinical signs of nutritional status D) Obtain a dietary history To assess the nutritional status use the ABCD system

6 Anthropometrics Height Weight
Skin fold thickness (triceps, biceps, below scapula, above iliac, and upper thigh) Circumference (head, mid upper arm, waist, calf, and hip)

7 Physical growth Weight for age Height for age Weight for height BMI
Malnutrition (Gomez) Height for age Stunting (waterlow) Weight for height Wasting BMI Obesity

8 Weight for age Malnutrition (Gomez)
W/A= W/W(N) x 100 = Normal 75-89 = 1st, Mild 60-74 = 2nd , Moderate <60 = 3rd, Severe

9 Height for age Stunting
H/A=H/H(N) x 100 < -2 SD = Stunted, Wasted > 95 = Normal = Mild = Moderate < 80 = Severe

10 Weight for height Wasting
W/H= W/W(at same H) x 100 < -2 SD = Stunted, Wasted > 90 = Normal 80-90 = Mild 70-80 = Moderate < 70 = Severe

11 Body Mass Index (BMI) BMI= W(kg)/ H(m)² < 15= Underweight
15-85= Normal > 85= Overweight > 95= Obese

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