Exam Hints.

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Presentation on theme: "Exam Hints."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam Hints

2 Recap: Course Content Analysis of Algorithms Basic ADTs Advanced Java
Experimental Analysis Pseudo Code Operation Counting Basic ADTs Stacks Queues Array/Link -based Impls. Circular Arrays Advanced Java Exceptions Interfaces Generics Inner Classes Anonymous Classes Sequence ADTs Lists Vectors Extendable Arrays Iterators Maps List-based Maps Hash Functions Separate Chaining Linear Probing Quadratic Probing Pattern Matching Brute Force KMP Boyer-Moore

3 Recap: Course Content Trees Binary Search Trees Priority Queues
Tree Terminology Tree ADT Binary Tree ADT Proper Binary Trees Link-based Binary Trees Tree Traversal Binary Search Trees Concept Basic Implementation AVL Trees AVL Tree Height Proof Splay Trees Priority Queues List-based Priority Queues Heaps Array-based Binary Trees Heap-Sort Sorting Bucket Sort Radix Sort Divide & Conquer Strategy Quick Sort Merge Sort

4 Recap: Course Structure
Course Marking Scheme: Practical's % There were 15 worksheets over 12 weeks = 2.7% per worksheet Assignment % Map SQL Assignment Due 30th April Upload Area is now active on Moodle Final Examination 40% Takes Place on the 14th 2:30 in the CSI Building

5 Exam Structure Answer any 2 questions from 5 choices
Each question is topical (or may combine two similar topics) Questions will cover: Definitions: What is a … ? Explain the terms… Operations: List the operations of a … ADT Implementation Strategies: Link vs Array Based Approaches Boxes and Lines Diagrams Pseudo Code Examples: Create a … from the following data … Step-by-Step Proofs: Expected vs Worst Case Performance Key Properties NO JAVA CODE OR CONCEPTS!!

6 Typical Question Format
Part (a) Definition (20-30%) Give definitions for some terms Explain the difference between two types of data structure List the operations associated with an ADT Part (b) Example (30-40%) Show how some data will be inserted into the ADT (possibly based on some given implementation strategy) Must use the same diagram format as covered in the course. Part (c) The Sting (30-50%) This will be a tougher question probably related to a proof of running time / a key property, or more complex pseudo code for the given ADT. Some Past Papers + Outline Solutions available on Moodle

7 Good Luck! So long... …and thanks for all the fish!!!

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