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The Kennedy and Johnson Years (1961–1969)

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1 The Kennedy and Johnson Years (1961–1969)
America: Pathways to the Present Chapter 22 The Kennedy and Johnson Years (1961–1969) Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights reserved.

2 America: Pathways to the Present
Chapter 22: The Kennedy and Johnson Years (1961–1969) Section 1: The New Frontier Section 2: The Great Society Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights reserved.

3 The New Frontier What factors affected the election of __________?
Chapter 22, Section 1 What factors affected the election of __________? What __________ programs did President Kennedy pursue? What circumstances surrounded Kennedy’s __________?

4 The Election of 1960 A New Type of Candidate
Chapter 22, Section 1 A New Type of Candidate Democratic __________ John F. Kennedy had served in the House and Senate for __________ years when he ran for President in 1960. Still, some questioned his candidacy because of his young age, 43, and his Roman ____________________ beliefs. Kennedy proved to be an engaging __________ personality during the 1960 presidential __________, the first such debates to be __________. A Narrow Kennedy Victory Kennedy won the 1960 election by an extremely __________ margin. Kennedy was separated from his opponent, Republican ____________________, by fewer than 119,000 popular votes out of nearly __________ million cast. Because of the __________ election, Kennedy entered office without a __________, or public endorsement of his proposals.

5 Kennedy’s Domestic Programs
Chapter 22, Section 1 In a speech early in his presidency, Kennedy said that the nation was poised at the edge of a “____________________.” This phrase came to refer to Kennedy’s proposals to improve the economy, assist the __________, and speed up the __________ program. Kennedy’s efforts to improve the economy included ordering a federal investigation into steel price __________and proposing a large tax cut. His tax cut proposal, however, became stuck in __________. Many of Kennedy’s proposals aimed to combat __________ and __________. Although some were rejected by Congress, others were passed. These included an increase in the minimum __________, funding for __________ renewal, abolishment of __________ taxes, and the Equal __________ Act, which required all employees doing the same work in the same workplace to receive equal __________.

6 Other Kennedy Initiatives
Chapter 22, Section 1 Although Kennedy served a shortened presidency, he was able to initiate a variety of programs, including: Improved surplus food to __________ Americans Largest defense buildup in peacetime history Help to communities plagued by long-term __________ Extension of Social Security __________ Expansion of National Park System Doubling of federal resources combating water __________ Construction of the world’s largest __________ power plant Tightening of food and drug laws Encouragement of free trade Signing of the __________ Test Ban Treaty Changes in the __________ system Creation of first federal program to address juvenile __________

7 The Space Program Chapter 22, Section 1 The Soviet Union’s launch of the __________ satellite in 1957 inspired the United States to work toward placing a manned __________ in orbit. In April 1961, Soviet __________ Yuri Gagarin became the first human to travel in space. Americans worried that their technology was falling behind that of the Soviet Union. Funding for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was increased. In 1961 and 1962, American __________ made initial space flights. On July 20, __________, American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon.

8 Kennedy Is Assassinated
Chapter 22, Section 1 On November 22, 1963, Kennedy was shot while riding in an open limousine through __________, Texas. He had traveled to Texas to mobilize support for his upcoming reelection campaign. Shots fired from the sixth-floor window of the empty Texas School Book Depository __________ wounded Kennedy, making Vice President Lyndon Johnson the new President. The prime suspect in Kennedy’s murder, __________ Oswald, was murdered by a man named __________ Ruby two days later, while being transferred from one jail to another. To investigate Kennedy’s murder, President Johnson appointed The President’s Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, better known as the __________ Commission, after its chairman, Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl __________. The __________ Commission determined that Oswald had acted __________. However, theories that Oswald and Ruby had belonged to a conspiracy persisted.

9 The Great Society What was Lyndon Johnson’s path to the __________?
Chapter 22, Section 2 What was Lyndon Johnson’s path to the __________? What were some of the goals and __________ of the Great Society? What were some of the cases that made the __________ Court both important and __________?

10 LBJ’s Path to the White House
Chapter 22, Section 2 Lyndon Johnson became President unexpectedly following Kennedy’s __________. However, his __________ career had been leading up to this position for many years. While serving in the __________ and __________, Johnson had established a reputation for both his political __________ and his ambition. In 1954, he became __________ Majority Leader. Kennedy had named Johnson his running mate in 1960 after Johnson’s own bid for the __________ nomination had failed. Johnson became President immediately after Kennedy’s death, taking the __________ of office an hour and a half later.

11 The Great Society and the Election of 1964
Chapter 22, Section 2 The Great Society Johnson used his talent in working with Congress to initiate many reforms on __________ issues. Johnson’s programs on poverty aid, education, __________, economic development, and __________ became collectively known as the Great Society. The Election of 1964 In the 1964 election, Johnson won a landslide victory over Republican opponent Barry __________. A controversial television advertisement known as the “__________” commercial took advantage of Americans’ fear of __________ war to support Johnson’s campaign.

12 Great Society Programs
Chapter 22, Section 2 Great Society Reforms The Tax Cut — Like Kennedy, Johnson believed that a budget __________ could be used to improve the economy. A tax cut caused the deficit to shrink, since renewed __________ generated new tax revenues. The War on Poverty — Johnson initiated new programs such as Head Start, a preschool program for low-income families, and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), which sent volunteers to help people in poor communities. Aid to Education — The __________ Elementary and Secondary Education Act, also initiated by Johnson, provided billions of dollars in aid to __________ and __________ schools. Medicare and Medicaid — Johnson helped Congress pass two new programs, Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare provides low-cost medical __________ to most Americans over age __________, while Medicaid provides similar services to poor Americans of __________ age. Immigration Reform — The Immigration Act of 1965 replaced immigration __________ with overall limits from various parts of the world. Immigration rose during the 1960s and 1970s.

13 The Warren Court Chapter 22, Section 2 During the Kennedy-Johnson years, the Supreme Court, headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren, handed down many __________ landmark __________. The Court ruled on social issues including obscenity, __________ in public schools, and use of __________ control. The Warren Court was also interested in safeguarding the rights of persons accused of committing __________. The __________ rule, a result of the 1966 case Miranda v. Arizona, required police to inform accused persons of their __________. A series of Warren Court decisions changed the nature of __________, or the distribution of the seats in a legislature among electoral districts.

14 Effects of the Great Society
Chapter 22, Section 2 Effects on Poverty During the 1960s and early 1970s, the number of Americans living in __________ in the United States was cut in half. However, some Americans complained that too many of their __________ dollars were being spent on __________ people. Others criticized the way Great Society antipoverty programs expanded the __________ of the federal government. The End of the Great Society Johnson received both __________ and criticism for Great Society reforms. A conflict in Southeast Asia, later to become the __________ War, began to consume the resources Johnson needed for his domestic programs. The Great Society came to an end when Johnson failed to __________ the Southeast Asia conflict.

15 America: Pathways to the Present
Chapter 25: Nixon Section 1: Nixon’s Domestic Policy

16 Nixon’s Domestic Policy
Chapter 25, Section 1 How did Richard Nixon’s __________ affect his relationship with his staff? How did Nixon’s __________ policies differ from those of his predecessors? How did Nixon apply his “__________ strategy” to the issue of civil rights and to his choice of Supreme Court justices? Describe the first manned moon __________.

17 Nixon in Person Chapter 25, Section 1 Although he had a reserved and remote personality, many Americans respected Nixon for his __________ and __________. Nixon was willing to say or do anything to __________ his enemies, who included political opponents, the government bureaucracy, the press corps, and leaders of the __________ movement. Believing that the executive branch needed to be strong, Nixon gathered a close __________ of trusted __________ around him.

18 Nixon’s Staff Nixon’s Close Advisors
Chapter 25, Section 1 Nixon’s Close Advisors H. R. Haldeman — After campaigning tirelessly for Nixon, advertising executive H. R. Haldeman became Nixon’s chief of __________. John Ehrlichman — Lawyer John Ehrlichman served as Nixon’s __________ lawyer and rose to the post of chief __________ advisor. John Mitchell — Asked to be Attorney __________ after working with Nixon’s campaign in New York, Mitchell often __________ with Nixon several times a day. Henry Kissinger — Although he had no previous ties to Nixon, Harvard government professor Henry Kissinger first became Nixon’s national __________ advisor and later his Secretary of __________.

19 Domestic Policy—Oil and Inflation
Chapter 25, Section 1 During Nixon’s first few years in office, __________ and inflation rose, and federal __________ proved difficult to control. In response, Nixon turned to the practice of __________ spending, or spending more money in a year than the government receives in __________. He also imposed two price freezes lasting several months each. When the United States supported its ally __________ in a war against Egypt and Syria in 1973, the Arab members of the Organization of __________ Exporting Countries (__________) imposed an embargo, or ban, on shipping oil to the United States. The resulting shortage resulted in high oil prices, which in turn drove __________ even higher.

20 Domestic Policy—Social Programs
Chapter 25, Section 1 Although Nixon himself supported cutting back or eliminating federal __________ programs, he did not want to alienate those __________ who favored them. Under Nixon’s New __________, states were asked to assume greater responsibility for the well-being of their __________, taking some of this responsibility away from the __________ government.

21 The “Southern Strategy”
Chapter 25, Section 1 Nixon’s Views on Civil Rights Nixon did not support __________ in civil rights, believing that to do so would cost him the support of many white __________ voters. Hoping to win over white southern __________, Nixon sought a “southern strategy” which would keep his __________ happy. Results of Nixon’s Views Nixon’s views resulted in a slowdown of __________. Although Nixon tried to prevent the extension of certain __________ of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Congress went ahead with the __________. Busing to end segregation in __________ was slowed, but not halted entirely, by Nixon’s __________ to it.

22 Nixon’s Supreme Court Chapter 25, Section 1 During Nixon’s first term in office, four of the nine Supreme Court __________ either died, __________, or retired. This gave him the opportunity to name four new __________ and, thus, reshape the court. Warren Burger, Nixon’s choice for __________ Justice, was a moderate. However, Nixon’s later appointees reflected his __________ views. The Senate rejected two of Nixon’s nominees from the South, charging that they showed __________ bias.

23 The First Moon Landing Chapter 25, Section 1 During Nixon’s __________, the United States achieved its goal of a successful moon landing. On July 20, 1969, Neil A. Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. He was joined by Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, Jr., a fellow crewman on the __________ spacecraft. Television viewers around the world watched the moon landing, and __________ crew were treated as __________ when they returned.

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