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Public Works Department “Service is Our Business”

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1 Public Works Department “Service is Our Business”

2 Vacaville Municipal Code (Chapter 8.08)
City of Vacaville Ordinance requires mandatory garbage service “All Property owners of residential or commercial premises occupied by any person shall subscribe for and pay the “contractor” for garbage service at such rates as may be set by resolution of the City Council” “Service is Our Business”

3 “Service is Our Business”
Billing Process Pursuant to Article 8.01.C.2 of the Franchise Agreement, Contractor (Recology Vacaville Solano) shall be entitled to a delinquency fee charged each quarter, equal to $10 or 10% of the total unpaid balance due. Contractor may assess the delinquency fee on the unpaid balance only and may not access a delinquency fee on a previous delinquency fee, i.e. compounding of delinquency fees is not permitted. “Service is Our Business”

4 Billing Process (continued)
Invoices unpaid after 90 days are considered delinquent. Contractor may assign the delinquent bill to the City for lien processing. “Service is Our Business”

5 Purpose of Lien Process
Recover lost revenues Prevent lost revenues from being passed to other ratepayers in the form of higher collection rates “Service is Our Business”

6 “Service is Our Business”
Lien Notification Notices of delinquency were sent to resident and non-resident property owners: February and April of 2017 On June 08, 2017, property owners were again notified of their delinquent accounts & advised of the Public Hearing this evening. Letter also stated that if the matter had not been rectified prior to the Lien Hearing, the past- due amount would be placed on the upcoming tax roles. “Service is Our Business”

7 “Service is Our Business”
Outstanding Accounts As of 4:30 PM, Recology Vacaville Solano had 725 delinquent accounts totaling $225,581.44 Consisting of: $155, from 489 resident property owners $69, from 236 non-resident property owners Total liens presented to Council in 2016 was $334,070 from 1,328 accounts “Service is Our Business”

8 “Service is Our Business”
Fiscal Impact No Impact to the General Fund Lack of a lien process would result in higher garbage rates for the ratepayers “Service is Our Business”

9 “Service is Our Business”
Recommendation By simple motion, adopt the subject resolution. “Service is Our Business”

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