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Jeopardy! English Civil War Glorious Revolution Estates General

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy! English Civil War Glorious Revolution Estates General"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy! English Civil War Glorious Revolution Estates General
The Terror Anything Goes 1789 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from 1789 This prison was the symbol of the Old
Regime. It was stormed and taken down by the revolutionaries.

3 $100 Answer from 1789 Bastille

4 $200 Question from 1789 Thousands of women marched to the
king’s palace at this site to protest the price of bread.

5 $200 Answer from 1789 Versailles

6 $300 Question from 1789 The group within the Third Estate who
led the revolution were from which group.

7 $300 Answer from 1789 Bourgeoisie

8 $400 Question from 1789 At the tennis court, what did the members of the Third Estate vow to do?

9 $400 Answer from 1789 Not to disband until they had a constitution

10 $500 Question from 1789 This is when peasants starting killing
nobles in the French countryside soon after the start of the revolution.

11 $500 Answer from 1789 Great Fear

12 $100 Question from Estates General
The Third Estate abandoned the Estates General and founded this legislative body on the Tennis Court.

13 $100 Answer from Estates General
the National Assembly

14 $200 Question from Estates General
This French king called the Estates in an attempt to solve France’s economic problems.

15 $200 Answer from Estates General
Louis XVI

16 $300 Question from Estates General
Why did the king need to call an Estates General?

17 $300 Answer from Estates General
France’s financial problems

18 $400 Question from Estates General
The people in this Estate owned 10 percent of French land and received tithes to boot.

19 $400 Answer from Estates General
First Estate (Clergy)

20 $500 Question from Estates General
What did the king do to the Third Estate at the Estates General after they complained about voting procedures.

21 $500 Answer from Estates General
He locked them out of their chambers.

22 $100 Question from Anything Goes
She was the queen of France who maybe said ‘Let them eat cake.’

23 $100 Answer from Anything Goes
Marie Antoinette

24 $200 Question from Anything Goes
This is the belief that the ‘right to rule comes from God.’ The first Stuart kings of England like to throw it around.

25 $200 Answer from Anything Goes
Divine Right

26 $300 Question from Anything Goes
Her death in 1603 led the first Stuart king of England just because she didn’t want to get married.

27 $300 Answer from Anything Goes
Queen Elizabeth I

28 $400 Question from Anything Goes
The queen of France during the French Revolution was actually from this country.

29 $400 Answer from Anything Goes

30 $500 Question from Anything Goes
The misnamed Committee of Public Safety emerged from this governing body in France in 1793.

31 $500 Answer from Anything Goes
the National Convention

32 $100 Question from Glorious Revolution
They were the king and queen of England following the Glorious Revolution in 1689.

33 $100 Answer from Glorious Revolution
William and Mary

34 $200 Question from Glorious Revolution
The new king and queen were forced to sign this in The English consider it an important part of their ‘constitution.’

35 $200 Answer from Glorious Revolution
Bill of Rights

36 $300 Question from Glorious Revolution
He was the Catholic king of England prior to the Glorious Revolution. He just got out of England with his head.

37 $300 Answer from Glorious Revolution
James II

38 $400 Question from Glorious Revolution
His death in 1665 left England with a Catholic monarch for the first time in more than 100 years. He was known as the ‘Merry Monarch.’

39 $400 Answer from Glorious Revolution
Charles II

40 $500 Question from Glorious Revolution
These two political parties both agreed that the Catholic king had to go as they feared a Catholic dynasty and possibly another civil war (might be the last time two political parties agreed with each other, btw  .)

41 $500 Answer from Glorious Revolution
Whigs and Tories

42 $100 Question from English Civil War
His head was chopped off in 1649 at the end of the war.

43 $100 Answer from English Civil War
Charles I

44 $200 Question from English Civil War
He lead the new model army to victory in the English Civil War.

45 $200 Answer from English Civil War
Oliver Cromwell

46 $300 Question from English Civil War
He was the first Stuart king of England. He did not deal well with Parliament.

47 $300 Answer from English Civil War
James I

48 $400 Question from English Civil War
The king signed this in 1628 to get money from Parliament. It further reduced the power of the king. (BTW…he didn’t pay any attention to it after he signed it.)

49 $400 Answer from English Civil War
The Petition of Right

50 $500 Question from English Civil War
This religious group was largely voted into the English Parliament prior to the English Civil War giving them much power.

51 $500 Answer from English Civil War

52 $100 Question from The Terror
This “machine” became one of the biggest symbols of the revolution.

53 $100 Answer from The Terror

54 $200 Question from The Terror
He led the Terror as the head of the Committee of Public Safety.

55 $200 Answer from The Terror

56 $400 Question from The Terror
This group felt that the revolution had gone too far during the Terror. Many lost their heads because of this belief.

57 $400 Answer from The Terror

58 $300 Question from The Terror
The political party dominated France during the terror. To protect the republic/democracy they forced many to lose their heads.

59 $300 Answer from The Terror

60 $500 Question from The Terror
About how many people died during the Terror in 1793 – 1794? (A very bloody way to get democracy if you asked me.) Must be within 5,000.

61 $500 Answer from The Terror

62 Final Jeopardy The new National Assembly in France
in 1789 signed this document into law which abolished the Estate system and made everyone equal. The king actually signed it too.

63 Final Jeopardy Answer The Declaration of the Rights of Man
and Citizen.

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