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Mitosis Pipecleaner Activity

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1 Mitosis Pipecleaner Activity

2 Overview Multicellular organisms, like you, begin as a single cell. In this activity, you explore how a cell reproduces (divides) to form two new cells. In this activity, you model the cell cycle, including each stage of mitosis, using pipe cleaners to represent chromosomes. Your somatic cells (body cells) have 46 chromosomes. For this simulation, you will use 4 chromosomes for simplicity.

3 Materials - Small Whiteboard (provided in your Science class) (A piece of paper if at home) - Coloured whiteboard markers (pencils, pens, or crayons) pipe cleaners (2 long of color “A”, 2 long of color “B”, 2 short of color “A”, 2 short of color “B”) (You may draw pipe cleaners and beads if you are completing this at home) beads - Student Notes and / or textbook

4 Materials * “long” chromosomes/chromatids will be ¼ of a pipe cleaner long ** “short” chromosomes/chromatids will be 1/8 of a pipe cleaner long Material What it represents Long Chromosome Colour 1 Chromosome 1 from Mom Long Chromosome Colour 2 Chromosome 1 from Dad Short Chromosome Colour 1 Chromosome 16 from Mom Chromosome 16 from Dad Beads Centromeres

5 Procedure You will create a google slide show of The Cell Cycle. This slideshow will include interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis (pg. 26 – 27 of BC Science Connections 9 textbook). Using a whiteboard, markers, and your pipe cleaners; create a replica of all of the stages in mitosis. You will begin with Interphase, then Mitosis, then Cytokinesis. Be sure to show the “standard” diagrams for each step. Make sure that you include names of the stage and main points about what is happening during the stage. Be sure to include the following stages: Interphase Mitosis (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telopahse) Cytokinesis Collect all of your photos (of each stage) and create a slideshow to show the Cell Cycle. Please put the slideshow in your Science 9 folder on Google Drive. Make sure all of your groups names are in the title

6 Rubric Photographs are included for · Interphase
· Mitosis (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase) · Cytokinesis / 12 Text is included · Description of what is happening / 6 Presentation & Creativity · Drawn elements of the cell enhances the understanding of the process · Creativity is used to portray the steps in the cell cycle TOTAL / 24

7 Interphase

8 Prophase

9 Metaphase

10 Anaphase

11 Telophase

12 Cytokinesis

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