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CPO Monthly Monitoring Report
CONFIDENTIAL CPO Monthly Monitoring Report HYUNDAI MERCHANT MARINE Co. Ltd. May 2014 CPO (Procurement Team / Strategic Procurement Part) Based Data : up to April 2014
Table of Contents Ⅰ. The Purpose of the Procurement Policy
Ⅱ. The Summary of Key Indicator Ⅲ. The Summary of Monitoring A. Spend Analysis B. Supplier Evaluation C. Contract Management Ⅳ. Procurement Policy Monitoring ※ Appendix - Manual for Supplier Evaluation - Manual for Vendor information Management - Manual for Contract Management 1
Ⅰ. The Purpose of the Procurement Policy
CPO CPO [Chief Procurement Office] An organization which carries out the monitoring and guiding on the company-wide cost management and procurement processes in relation to procurement of all goods and services at HMM Contract Service Provider Helper Watcher Carrying out entire procurement operation from establishing a procurement strategy to making decisions and concluding contracts Establishing a procurement strategy, Monitoring, managing and controlling the overall procurement procedure Monitoring, managing and controlling the overall procedure of procurement Acquiring visibility on all procurement activities carried out at HMM
Ⅰ. The Purpose of the Procurement Policy
CPO Policy Monitoring * Acquiring visibility on all procurement activities carried out at HMM : Total 19 Services * Through diversification of the supplier base, should promote price competition among suppliers * Differentiating each supplier according to the supplier evaluation result and strategic importance * Minimizing the potential internal and external risk ☞ Sending Procurement Policy Monitoring Report every month Indicators Definition Unit Formula Remarks Supplier Evaluation Evaluating Major Suppliers on a Regular Basis (Target Suppliers: Upper 80% of Total procurement Amount) Evaluated Suppliers ∑(Evaluated Suppliers) ∑(CPO Target Suppliers) * Evaluate the target suppliers at least once a year * The supplier should be evaluated more than 3 people. Contract Management Acquiring Visibility on Procurement Operation New & Updated Contract Check the Contract Uploaded in ELMS system * Check the contract effective date * Check the contract amount of new & updated contract Spend Ratio Checking Spend Ratio of CPO Target Suppliers’ procurement amount Total amount of CPO Target suppliers ∑(CPO Target Supplier’s Amount) ∑(Total procurement Amount) * Keep 80% Spend Ratio
Ⅱ. The Summary of Key Indicator
Supplier Evaluation (April) Service Performance (April) Spend Ratio (April) [No. of Suppliers] [Million U$] 113 113 5 930 6 774 12 156 13 Total Amount Non-Target Amount Target Amount Target Suppliers Incomplete Complete Among the planned 113 evaluation suppliers, all has been completed. The average scores are Bulk Agent 81, Terminal 76 and Bulk Stevedore 89. Try to stimulate the low performance supplier in order for us to get good services soon. 2 services(Terminal/CUT) are now on evaluation in May and 1 service(Terminal) will be evaluated in June. HMM policy is performance 80% onto the evaluation vendors. Pay keen attention to meet the target on a monthly basis. CPO Target suppliers - Spend Ratio: 83% - USD 774million (Total USD 930million) HMM Minimum standard 80% is passed. But still keep watching on performance drop in Bulk Agent & Master Lease.
General Administration
Ⅲ. The Summary of Monitoring Spend Analysis (April 2014) [Unit: USD] Service No. Service Total Purchase Amount CPO Target Spend Ratio 1 L/T CNTR Lease 28,046,859 21,884,030 78% 2 Docking Repair 2,377,182 1,176,000 49% 3 Feeder 48,332,207 37,454,932 77% 4 Truck 56,324,867 47,189,985 84% 5 Bulk Agent 1,369,392 690,751 50% 6 Terminal 279,004,692 204,206,099 73% 7 Depot 14,599,880 4,478,733 31% 8 M&R 11,853,222 6,361,341 54% 9 Fuel & Lubricant 355,937,854 353,686,115 99% 10 Barge 14,423,549 11,942,356 83% Service No. Service Total Purchase Amount CPO Target Spend Ratio 11 Bulk Stevedore 10,228,473 4,868,611 48% 12 Container Agent 12,219,241 1,540,293 13% 13-1 CUT 25,435,043 22,439,896 88% 13-2 WUT 36,799,736 32,105,573 87% 13-3 KHT 1,706,091 1,343,566 79% 14 New van & Reefer - 15 Short term container 10,468,041 6,060,458 58% 17 Spare parts 14,578,160 10,673,566 73% 18 Legal Insurance 4,883,493 4,686,592 96% 19 General Administration 990,806 100% No New Van & Reefer purchase up to now Total Amount Total Target Spend Ratio 929,578,787 773,779,702 83%
Ⅲ. The Summary of Monitoring
Spend Analysis Procurement Policy 18 Services Total procurement Amount (Monthly) [U$1Million] TTL AMT of Procurement Cost for Target Supplier [Unit: U$1Mil.] Item Total Amount 256 223 250 246 241 257 209 265 225 218 239 248 CPO Target Amount 199 180 179 166 156 160 134 173 189 181 198 206 Spend Ratio 77% 80% 78% 81% 72% 67% 65% 62% 64% 83% The average of total procurement amount for the last 12 months is USD 248 million, the average of CPO target amount is USD 206 million. The average of spend ratio for 12 months is 73% (Based on the data from May 2013 to Apr 2014)
Re-selection of CPO Target Suppliers for 2014
Ⅳ. Procurement Policy Monitoring Re-selection of CPO Target Suppliers for 2014 CPO Target Suppliers for 2014 are updated → Newly updated and selected suppliers will be evaluated by the relevant parties at least once a year → Please refer to the attached, evaluation schedule for 2013 Evaluation Plan Service No. Service The number of target suppliers 1 Long term Lease 8 7 Depot 44 13-2 WUT 18 2-1 Docking Repair(C&B) 2 M&R 28 13-3 CUT 9 2-2 Docking Repair(G&T) Fuel & Lubricant 23 14 New van & Reefer 6 3 Feeder 13 10 Barge 19 15 Short term Lease 4 Truck 31 11 Bulk Stevedore 70 17 Spare parts 5 Bulk Agent 62 12 Container Agent 37 Legal Insurance Terminal 49 13-1 KHT General Administration Total 494
Re-selection of CPO Target Suppliers for 2014
Ⅳ. Procurement Policy Monitoring Re-selection of CPO Target Suppliers for 2014 CPO Target Suppliers for 2014 are updated Month The No. of suppliers Target Service Jan 4 KHT(4) Feb - Mar Apr 113 Bulk agent-Liner OPR(26), Terminal(17), Bulk Stevedore(70) May 14 Terminal(8), CUT(6) Jun 8 Terminal(8) Jul Aug 16 Terminal(16) Sep Feeder(2), KHT(3), CUT(3) Oct 98 Feeder(9), Depot(44), M&R(28), KHT(5), WUT(12) Nov Feeder(1), BulkAgent-Cape/Panamax(4)/Tanker(21), Fuel & Lubricant(23), Container Agent(37), KHT(6), WUT(6), New Van(6), Master Lease(9) Dec 121 Long-term lease(8), Docking repair(4), Feeder(1), Trucking(31), Bulk Agent-Handymax(4)/Dedicated Biz(7), Barge(19), Spare parts(28), Legal Affairs & Insurance(6), General Management(12) Total 494 ※ It is basic schedule, so it can be changed based on mutual agreement between CPO and relevant parties in charge of performing evaluation.
Ⅳ. Procurement Policy Monitoring
Spend Ratio Collect the total procurement amount of 18 services using CPO system The people who are in charge of CPO Evaluation can use ZMMR0840 in SAP program for checking evaluation marks. Manual for ZMMR0840 Supplier Evaluation Evaluate the CPO Target Suppliers at least once a year ☞ Flash manual : P. Pak ( Web page (Check the ※Appendix for simple Ver. Manual) ☞ Follow the link Evaluation → Evaluation Plan → Vendor List ☞ Give a Total Feedback after complete every evaluation of service suppliers Total score of every suppliers will be presented in the next month report Contract Management Figure out the contents of the contract, and it will be used as evidence if the trouble is occurred with suppliers ☞ Acquiring visibility on procurement operation: Contents of the contract (Contract Amount, General Terms and Conditions, Contract Period, etc.) ☞ Portal log on → ELMS → Contract Review → Contract Management) Related Mail (KOR)
※ Appendix Supplier Evaluation Manual 1) Visit CPO home page,
The URL is 2) Click ‘Evaluation Plan’ under the ‘Evaluation’ menu. 3) Click the period and the service on the Drop-down list for searching the supplier. (Ex. October, Feeder)
※ Appendix Manual for Supplier Evaluation
Click the Checklist button for Evaluation. 2) Click the position and working period on the Drop-down list. 3) Start to answer about the question. 4) Click ‘Evaluation’ tab for next step after you complete the answer and save it. 5) After you complete the evaluation sheet, please move on to next supplier.
※ Appendix Vendor Information Manual
1) Click ‘Vendor Information’ under the ‘Evaluation’ menu. 2) Click the service name which you want to put the information on the Drop-down list. 3) You can also put the supplier name in the search bar. 4) Click the appropriate vendor name on the list.
※ Appendix Manual for Vendor Information Management
1) Click ‘Edit’ for entering the information. 2) Click ‘Save’ after you complete the form. ( The items with red star should be entered necessarily.) * Vendor information should be completed during supplier’s evaluation period.
※ Appendix Manual for Contract Management
1) Click ‘ELMS’ in system link for managing new and updated contract. (You can also access ‘ELMS’ using this URL) 2) Click ‘Contract Management’ in ‘Contract Review’ category. 3) Click ‘New Entry’ for entering contract information.
※ Appendix Contract Management Manual Search the vendor code
Fill the CPO Evaluation period out Summarize the contents of contract here. Click here and attach the contract.
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