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Chapter 2 Molecular Mechanics

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1 728345 Chapter 2 Molecular Mechanics

2 Basic Concepts Molecule: Collection of atoms held together by forces
Molecular Mechanics: Potential Energy is described as a function of a coordinate X Matching a function to a set of data points by varying its parameters

3 Series Expansion The Taylor series is a representation of a function as an infinite sum of terms calculated from the values of its derivatives at a single point. The Fourier series is a mathematical tool used for analyzing periodic functions by decomposing such a function into a weighted sum of much simpler sinusoidal component functions

4 Electrostatic Potential
Electrostatic Potential i, j are charged particles (electrons & protons)

5 Simple Molecular Mechanics Force Field
Bond-stretching Angle-bending Torsions

6 Bonding Stretching Taylor Expansion Hook’s Law (Harmonic Potential)
Morse Function

7 Harmonic Taylor Morse req r A B r-req

8 Valence Angle Bending Typical force field function for angle strain energy A C q B

9 Torsions Typical force field as an expansion of a Fourier series C D B

10 j =1 j =2 j =3 j =4 Vtorsions CH3 H w

11 Van der Waals Interactions
In the absence of a permanent charge,


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