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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ






7 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

8 Solutions to Foolishness in Marriage
The outside influences attacking marriage are bad, but the internal influences are worse A marriage in which true love reigns and husband & wife are best friends Proverbs is full of wisdom that can help us build our homes instead of tearing them down

9 Solutions to Foolishness in Marriage
The ultimate solution to foolishness is becoming a new creature in Christ and following Him You are to help one another mature, so correct with gentleness and bear one another’s burdens (Matt. 7:1-5; Gal. 6:1-4)

10 Solutions to Foolishness in Marriage Review
The naive are simple / ignorant, but also open minded without discernment - Proverbs 14:15 The Solution: Heed the call of wisdom - become a student of the Bible & seek godly counsel

11 Solutions to Foolishness in Marriage Review
Do not walk in the counsel of the ungodly - Proverbs 12:5; Psalm 1 The Solution: Develop close and intimate friendships with wise people who will give you wise counsel

12 Solutions to Foolishness in Marriage Review
Pride is at the heart of all foolishness - Proverbs 12:15; 30:12 The Solution: Be humble, fear the Lord, and turn away from evil to walk in purity with God The fear of the Lord is also the solution to foolishness - Proverbs 1:7; 8:13; 9:10

13 Wicked Proverbs 3:33 Wicked (rāshā’) is the opposite of righteousness - used in parallel with sin, evil, iniquity, ungodly The level of wickedness is set by its contrast with the character of God The wicked bring trouble to their homes - Proverbs 15:6

14 Wicked Proverbs 3:33 The wicked be forgiven in person and work of Christ and become a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17) The Solution to wickedness is repentance - Proverbs 28:13; Isaiah 55:7

15 Stubborn Increasing obstinacy results in stubbornness, an unwillingness to learn and defensiveness Proverbs 4:19 - the stubborn stumble around in the dark unnecessarily Stubbornness rises with increasing pride resulting in a refusal to learn from others - Proverbs 27:22

16 Stubborn Some people will be stubborn in public, but change privately Other people remain stubborn and keep repeating the same folly - Proverbs 26:11-12

17 Married to a Stubborn Spouse?
Examine yourself and make sure that repeated folly is not reflection of your own stubbornness Confess your own foolishness in marrying such a fool

18 Married to a Stubborn Spouse?
3) Be humble, commit yourself to carry out the role God requires of you. Men, love your wife sacrificially just as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25-33)

19 Married to a Stubborn Spouse?
Ladies, be chaste and respectful yielding proper submission - even if he is wrong (1 Peter 3:1-6) The solution to stubbornness is righteousness and its related trait of humility

20 Self-righteous The pride of the self-righteous blinds them from seeing their own errors - though they see those of others All of us can fall into the trap of self- righteousness - Proverbs 21:2

21 Self-righteous 1) Legalistic self-righteousness is based on a man generated list of right and wrong behaviors. Jesus exposed and corrected this in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) Self-righteousness judges and justifies everything based on the personal list of right and wrong

22 Self-righteous A self-righteousness that justifies actions regardless of outcome on the basis of good intentions Harm caused by the unintended but negative consequences of the actions It obstructs correction and repentance leading to repeating of the same folly - Proverbs 26:18-19

23 Self-righteous Self-righteousness is reveled in the defensiveness which uses motivations as the justification The solution to self-righteousness is humility, righteousness in Christ and godly counsel

24 Selfish Selfishness is expressed in many ways and is an inherent evil (Proverbs 23:6; James 3:14-17) Selfishness concerns itself primarily with personal profit and pleasure with little or no consideration of others Selfishness breaks up the unity of the home and sets each member in competition with the others

25 Selfish Selfishness degenerates into: demanding, nagging, criticizing, manipulating, contention, harshness, anger, hate. The solution to selfishness is to be humble and follow Jesus’ example - Philippians 2:3-8 Learn to be a dog, not a tick

26 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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