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Cariovascular pharmacology for primary care physician: cardiotonics, antiarrhytmics, vasodilatators Domina Petric, MD.

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1 Cariovascular pharmacology for primary care physician: cardiotonics, antiarrhytmics, vasodilatators
Domina Petric, MD

2 digoxinum (Lanicor 0,25 mg tbl.) metildigoxinum (Lanitop 0,1 mg tbl.)
1.) Cardiotonic drugs digoxinum (Lanicor 0,25 mg tbl.) metildigoxinum (Lanitop 0,1 mg tbl.)

3 Digoxinum, metildigoxinum
Indications: acute and chronic heart failure chronic heart failure with permanent atrial fibrillation supraventricular tachycardias (atrial fibrillation and undulation, paroxismal supraventricular tachycardia)

4 Digoxinum Fast oral saturation (if patient was not taking digitalis glycosides for two weeks): 0,5-0,75 mg at once per os 0,25 mg every 6-8 hours average dose during 24 hours is 1-1,5 mg

5 Slow oral saturation: 0,125-0,5 mg per os a day Maintenance dose:
Digoxinum Slow oral saturation: 0,125-0,5 mg per os a day Maintenance dose: 0,25 mg per os a day

6 Metildigoxinum Fast oral saturation:
0,2 mg per os three times a day during 2 to 4 days Slow oral saturation (digitalisation): 0,4 mg per os a day during 3-5 days Maintenance dose is 0,15-0,2 mg a day.

7 Metildigoxinum Atrial fibrillation:
0,2-0,3 mg per os a day in one or two doses Heart failure: 0,2 mg three times a day during 1-5 days 0,15-0,2 mg a day is maintenance dose

8 Contraindications: hypersensitivity digitalis intoxication
ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation AV block of II. or III. degree WPW syndrome, escpecially with atrial fibrillation

9 Contraindications: hypokalemia hypocalcemia hypomagnesemia
hyperthrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy thoracal aorta aneurism

10 carotid sinus syndrome sick sinus syndrome
Contraindications: carotid sinus syndrome sick sinus syndrome

11 2.) Antiarrhythmic drugs Ia
fast sodium channel blockers depress fase 0 prolong repolarisation quinidine procainamide disopyramide

12 3.) Antiarrhythmic drugs Ib
fast sodium channel blockers depress phase 0 selectively in abnormal/ischemic tissue, shorten repolarization  lidocaine, phenytoin, mexiletine 

13 Lidocainum for iv. application
ventricular extrasystoles and tachycardias, especially after acute myocardial infarction mg iv. during 2-3 minutes dose can be repeated after 5 minutes, if necessary maximum dose is mg within one hour

14 4.) Antiarrhythmic drugs Ic
fast sodium channel blockers markedly depress phase 0, minimal effect on repolarization flecainide, propafenone moricizine

15 Propafenonum 150/300 mg tbl. AV node tachycardia
supraventricular tachycardia in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treatment starts in hospital (cardiologist)


17 Lown-Ganong-Levine Syndrome
short PR interval, normal QRS

18 5.) Antiarrhythmic drugs II
beta blockers decrease slope of phase 4 antihypertensive drugs

19 6.) Antiarrhythmic drugs III
potassium chanel blockers amiodarone (prolongs phase 3; also acts on phases 1, 2, and 4) sotalol (prolongs phase 3, decreases slope of phase 4) ibutilide (prolongs phase 3) dofetilide (prolongs phase 3)

20 prevention of repetition of severe arrhythmias
Amiodaronum 200 mg tbl. prevention of repetition of severe arrhythmias treatment is started in hospital conditions

21 7.) Antiarrhythmic drugs IV
slow calcium channel blockers verapamil (prolongs phase 2) diltiazem (prolongs phase 2)

22 8.) Antiarrhythmic drugs V.
variable mechanisms adenosine digoxin magnesium sulfate

23 9.) Vasodilatator drugs isosorbidi mononitras (20, 40, 60 mg tbl.)
glyceroli trinitatis solutio isosorbidi dinitras

24 Isosorbidi mononitras
Tablets are indicated for prevention of angina pectoris. Dose can vary from 30 mg up to 120 mg per os and it is taken at once in the morning! Titration of the dose can prevent headaches (30 mg for 2-4 days and then the augmentation of the dose up to maximum daily dose of 120 mg).

25 Contraindications: hypersensitivity shock, vascular decompensation
myocardial infarction heavy heart operation in anamnesis cardiogenic shock severe hypotension (RRs<90 mmHg) severe anemia cerebrovascular insult in anamnesis

26 Interactions: Isosorbid mononitrate can not be applicated together with 5-phosphodiesterase inhibitors!

27 Glyceroli trinitatis solution for sublingual application
Nitrolingual 0,4 mg/dose is indicated for: treatment of acute angina pectoris prophylaxis of angina pectoris before physical exertion treatment of acute myocardial infarction treatment of acute left ventricle failure prevention of coronary spasm (during coronary angiography)

28 Contraindications: hypersensitivity
acute shock, hypotension (RRs<90 mmHg) hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy elevated intracranial pressure severe anemia

29 Isosorbidi dinitras Tinidil 5 mg tbl. are indicated for:
angina pectoris silent heart ischemia heart failure Maximum dose is 60 mg every six hours!

30 10. Ivabradinum (5 mg or 7,5 mg tbl.)
symptomatic treatment of chronic stable angina pectoris when the heart rate is more than 70 bmp in patients that can not take beta-blockers or the beta-blockers are not enough chronic heart failure NYHA class II-IV with systolic disfunction in patients with synus rhythm and heart rate 75 bpm or more (≥75 bmp) with or without beta-blockers

31 Mediately, HALMED Healio ClevelandClinic Medscape
Literature: Mediately, HALMED Healio ClevelandClinic Medscape,

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