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Areas of Specialization

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1 Areas of Specialization
Table 2. The areas of specialization in civil engineering for eight universities [12,13,14,15,20,21,22,23] University name Areas of Specialization THU Structural Engineering; Transportation Engineering WHU Structural Engineering; Road and Bridge Engineering; Underground Structure Engineering SCUT Structural Engineering; Road and Bridge Engineering; Underground Structure Engineering. GZHU UCDAVIS Environmental Engineering; Geotechnical Engineering; Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics; Transportation Planning and Engineering; Water Resources Engineering. UNR Earthquake and structural engineering; Environmental engineering; Geotechnical engineering; Pavements/materials engineering; Transportation engineering. MSU Environmental Engineering; Geotechnical Engineering; Structural Engineering; Transportation Engineering; Water Resources Engineering. KU Transportation Engineering; Structural Engineering; Geotechnical Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Water Resources Engineering. Furong Liu et al. The Differences between Undergraduate Education in Civil Engineering in China and America. American Journal of Educational Research, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 10, doi: /education © The Author(s) Published by Science and Education Publishing.

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