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KKK Richard Luuk 11.b.

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1 KKK Richard Luuk 11.b

2 Who are the KKK The Ku Klux Klan or simply "the Klan" is the name of three distinct past and present movements in the U.S. White supermancy White nationalism Anti-immigration White robes mean power and leadership

3 KKK history There were Three klans 1. KKK 1865-1871 2. KKK 1915-1944
3. KKK 1946-present

4 1. KKK Found in 1865, Tennessee Although the group was small, new similar groups formed in the South. The klan didn’t have a main mission Biggest mission was to weaken black people. The klan broke because people got scared that they would be next.

5 2. KKK The second KKK was found in 1915 Atlanta
It had ‘’new’’ rules mostly focused in anti-immigration The klan saw many threats due the power loss Most time went on ‘’the home’’ In 1920 there was a rapid growth (6million) 1930 many states were against the KKK and the KKK population reduced (30.000)


7 Current KKK Bayou Knights in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana
Church of the American Knights –pastor Thomas Robb Loyal White knights in North Carolina.

8 Most racist states Mississippi Alabama Texas Tennessee Louisiana

9 Video

10 Thanks for listening

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