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Take out your homework.

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1 Take out your homework


3 Mixture Two or more materials (cmpds, elements, etc.) physically mixed but NOT chemically combined. Compare to compound, molecule, ‘chemical reaction’ How could you TEST if something is a mixture or compound?

4 Solution vs Suspension
SOLUTION- a mixture in which components are evenly mixed. SUSPENSION – mixture in which small particles are dispersed, but are likely to settle out (not dissolved) Dissolved – to become part of the liquid

5 Solute vs Solvent In a SOLUTION, one material is DISSOLVED in another
SOLUTE – material dissolved SOLVENT – what does the dissolving (liquid)

6 Water as a solvent Why is water a good solvent?
Describe Fig. 2.9 – WHY and HOW does salt dissolve in water? Could you get the salt back out? What does that tell you (mixture vs chem reaction)? What are two limitations to water as a solvent?

7 Suspensions Blood is a suspension
Why is it important the blood is a solution AND a suspension?

8 What IS an Acid? A Base? What MAKES and ACID an acid?
What MAKES a BASE a base? How is the strength of acids and bases measured? What is the role of buffers?


10 Tomorrow Acid/base review Putting it together
WHY do acids (AND bases) burn ‘your’ skin?

11 Homework Page 44, #s 2 and 3 Objective 10 Thursday!

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