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ttbar τ + jets: Update on QCD Estimation

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Presentation on theme: "ttbar τ + jets: Update on QCD Estimation"— Presentation transcript:

1 ttbar τ + jets: Update on QCD Estimation
William Edson SUNY at Albany

2 Chi-squared minimization
Equation: N(x): total number of events of type x for distribution n(x)i: number of events in bin of type x frac(Sig): fraction of N(Remain) expected to be Signal binfrac(x)i: fraction of events in bin of type x expected from MC or template σi: uncertainty in bin i

3 Chi-squared minimization cont.
σi determined by adding in quadrature bin error: data signal, MC QCD template other backgrounds, MC statistical error: data: signal region (times 2) data: background region other backgrounds, MC (times 2) signal and other backgrounds combined, MC: background region

4 Results Run 1: Rescale signal MC in all regions and rerun:
chi-squared: 31.78 signal fraction: / Rescale signal MC in all regions and rerun: chi-squared: 30.94 signal fraction: /

5 Highest pT bjet reconstruction
Results for plot: chi-square: 16.66 p-value: ndf: 11 chi/ndf: 1.51

6 2nd highest pT bjet reconstruction
Results for plot: chi-square: 4.79 p-value: ndf: 11 chi/ndf: 0.44

7 Dijet reconstruction Results for plot: chi-square: 11.29
p-value: ndf: 12 chi/ndf: 0.94

8 Closest Top mass reconstruction
Results for plot: chi-square: 6.88 p-value: ndf: 8 chi/ndf: 0.86

9 Back-up

10 Chi-squared minimization
Equation: nx: number of events in bin of type x sfSig,QCD: scale factor for either Signal or QCD σi: uncertainty in data bin i sfSig = ± sfQCD = ±

11 ABCD Regions Signal Region (A): Background Regions (B, C and D):
BDTScore > 0.7 and Closest Top Mass < 230GeV Background Regions (B, C and D): B: BDTScore < 0.7 and Closest Top Mass < 230GeV C: BDTScore > 0.7 and Closest Top Mass > 230GeV D: BDTScore < 0.7 and Closest Top Mass > 230GeV

12 Cutflow C0: GRL C1: Trigger C2: Primary vertex with ntracks > 4
C3: Electron/muon overlap, larVeto C4: Jet cleaning C5: Lepton Veto C6: njets >= 4 with eta < 2.5 and |jvf| > 0.75 C7: MET > 60GeV C8: MT < 70GeV C9: Sum ET < 500GeV C10: >= 1 bjet C11: Tau n ≥ 1, BDTScore > 0.7 C12: Trigger matched tau n ≥ 1 and pT >= 40GeV C13: MC tau object match

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