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OU Treasurer Roles and Requirements - Ed Aoki

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Presentation on theme: "OU Treasurer Roles and Requirements - Ed Aoki"— Presentation transcript:

1 OU Treasurer Roles and Requirements - Ed Aoki
What are the details? How do I my job?

2 OU Treasurer Roles What are the details?
Help establish the New Year’s budget Track the bank balance and cash flow for reporting at ExCom Meetings Retain receipts and invoices to support reimbursements Track bank deposits including source of funds Provide bank statements with annotations for Financial Reports Provide copies of original LOCAL bank statements with Bank Logo

3 Help establish the New Year’s budget
OU Treasurer Roles Help establish the New Year’s budget Use the previous year’s Financial Report details to estimate New Years cash flow. Estimate impact of new OU initiatives Work to approval of budget by ExCom

4 OU Treasurer Roles What are the details?
Track the bank balance and cash flow for reporting at ExCom Meetings Obtain. Complete, Sign and SNAIL-MAIL the IEEE Add-Signer for CBRS accounts OR Go with an OU Officer already on the LOCAL bank account and be added to the Signature Card at bank branch where the account is. Verify notations on your CBRS IEEE Transfers

5 OU Treasurer Roles Retain receipts and invoices to support reimbursements Require receipts and invoices prior to paying reimbursements; scanned images OK. Note un-supported payments (particularly to presenters) and payments to sole proprietorships and Independent Contractors; these instances may require a W-9/1099 report These documents may be required to satisfy an IEEE Audit.

6 OU Treasurer Roles Track bank deposits including source of funds; the Treasurer must supply this additional information Most bank documentation does not allow the recording of the source of bank deposits other than “IEEE Transfer” which has a notation field. IEEE Financial Reports requires the reason that deposit(s) is made, not only the fact of the deposit. That reason defines the IEEE Chart of Accounts CODE to be used

7 OU Treasurer Roles Provide bank statements with annotations for Financial Reports IEEE Financial Reports requires the reason for each Transaction , not only the fact of the Transaction. That reason defines the IEEE Chart of Accounts CODE to be used. Use the .XLS or better still at the bottom of the monthly CBRS statement: NetSuite_Template_Download- Click Here

8 Provide copies of original LOCAL bank statements with Bank Logo
OU Treasurer Roles Provide copies of original LOCAL bank statements with Bank Logo IEEE Financial Reports requires the images of the original LOCAL bank statements to satisfy the IEEE-Audit requirements. IF the December statement for the previous year has transactions in January of the reported year, include that statement and provide the annotations. This applies to both ends of the calendar. E.g. for 2015, December 2014 and January 2016.

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