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This is a Title Slide DECEMBER 20, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "This is a Title Slide DECEMBER 20, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a Title Slide DECEMBER 20, 2014

2 This is an example of a bullet point based slide
You can insert a subtitle here Or you can insert a subtitle here There are four levels of bullets Tab for second level Tab twice for third Tab thrice for fourth There are four levels of bullets Tab for second level Tab twice for third Tab thrice for fourth

3 This is an example of a media slide
You can choose to just do bullet points, like this. Tab again for second level Tab twice for third level Tab thrice for fourth Shift + Tab to go to previous levels You can also drag and drop other media types

4 You can choose to add a subhead too
This is a Section Title Slide

5 This is an example of a media slide
You can insert a subtitle here. Or a second, third and fourth level bullet point.


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