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Photoshop Tutorial: Five Tools

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Presentation on theme: "Photoshop Tutorial: Five Tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photoshop Tutorial: Five Tools
Ruler Tool Clone tool Quick Select Tool Burning Tool Dodging Tool

2 What is not working for this photograph?

3 The main horizontal line was not level when this photo was taken
The main horizontal line was not level when this photo was taken. This needs to be altered to bring balance back to the composition.

4 The Ruler Tool This tool allows the user to draw a new horizon line, and then rotate the photograph so that it is perfectly horizontal. This can also be used vertically, using the side of buildings, windows, doorways, etc. …

5 is located under the ‘Eyedropper Tool’.
Click and drag a line across the old horizontal line. The ‘Ruler Tool’ is located under the ‘Eyedropper Tool’.

6 Image Rotate Image Arbitrary

7 The Ruler Tool will immediately find the exact angle for the horizon.

8 Now, the photograph needs to be re-cropped.
Make sure that the width and height numbers are correct.

9 Click on the arrows in order to switch Height and Width

10 The Clone Stamp Tool This tool allows the user to ‘copy’ specific areas of a photograph and ‘paste’ them in order to cover up whatever is unwanted.

11 Sometimes you need to remove specific portions of a picture.

12 The clone stamp tool is a brush and all brushes can be manipulated in the same way.

13 Master Diameter: The size of the area that will be affected. Hardness: How ‘fuzzy’ or ‘sharp’ the outside edge of the brush will be.

14 Place your curser over the portion to be copied and press the ‘Alt’ key.
This icon will appear in order to show that you are coping. Click then release and let go of ‘Alt’ key.

15 Now wherever you click that area will be covered.
If ‘Aligned’ is checked your original copy selection will move with you whenever you move your mouse . Uncheck it.

16 NOT WHAT WE WANT. Obvious repeating textures. Obvious tone change.

17 Good!

18 Change copy locations as well as the opacity as you go.

19 Quick Selection Tool Grabs specific areas of your photograph so that they can be manipulated separately. Located under the ‘Magic Wand Tool’.


21 - will take away from the area (erase selected area).
+ will add to the area being selected. - will take away from the area (erase selected area).

22 This area is the only one affected by the levels change.

23 Select Deselect (Ctrl D) When done.

24 Burn Tool This tool darkens portions of your photograph.

25 Dodge Tool This tool lightens portions of your photograph
‘Burn’ and ‘Dodge’ tool located under each other on the tool bar.

26 Expectations: Use all 5 tools to manipulate 4 of your own photos. (Find photos of structure so you can easily use the Ruler Tool.) Save them to your Lastname_Photoshop folder. Name them as: Tools1.jpg Tools2.jpg Tools3.jpg Tools4.jpg

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