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Differentiated Instruction Workshop

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1 Differentiated Instruction Workshop
Differentiated Instruction: Exploring Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles Differentiated Instruction Workshop

2 Differentiated Instruction Workshop
Workshop Goals To review the Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles. To self-assess personal learning styles. To brainstorm and create D.I. opportunities that employ various intelligences and learning styles. Differentiated Instruction Workshop

3 Differentiated Instruction
Content Process Product Differentiated Instruction Workshop

4 Differentiated Instruction Workshop
D.I. & Learning Styles Providing opportunities for students to use their personal intelligence or learning style is a D.I. strategy that modifies the process and product, not the content. Differentiated Instruction Workshop

5 Multiple Intelligences
Linguistic intelligence ("word smart") Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart") Visual-spatial intelligence ("picture smart") Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart") Musical intelligence ("music smart") Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart") Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart") Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart") Howard Gardner, 1983 Which three do you feel speak to your personal strengths? Differentiated Instruction Workshop

6 What is Your Learning Strength?
Take an on-line assessment to learn more about your personal learning style: (Once linked to the site, please click Multiple Intelligences Assessment in the left navigational pane to take the questionnaire) Differentiated Instruction Workshop

7 Differentiated Instruction Workshop
A Point to Ponder: Do you primarily teach to your learning strengths? If so, how might this impact the learners with different learning intelligences? What can you do to provide learning opportunities that employ different intelligences? Differentiated Instruction Workshop

8 Verbal - Linguistic Strategies
Reading Vocabulary Formal and Informal Speech or Debate Journal Writing Creative Writing Poetry Humor and Jokes Storytelling Drama Differentiated Instruction Workshop

9 Logical – Mathematical Strategies
Abstract Symbols/ Formulas Outlining Graphic Organizers Number Sequences Deciphering Codes Syllogisms Problem Solving Pattern Discernment Differentiated Instruction Workshop

10 Visual - Spatial Strategies
Guided Imagery Active Imagination Color Schemes Patterns/ Designs Painting Drawing Mind-Mapping Sculpture Visual Pictures Graphic Organizers Differentiated Instruction Workshop

11 Bodily – Kinesthetic Strategies
Dance Role Playing Physical Gestures Drama Martial Arts Sports and Games Mime Physical Exercise Body Language Differentiated Instruction Workshop

12 Musical-Rhythmic Strategies
Rhythmic Patterns Vocal Sounds and Tones Percussion Vibrations Humming Singing and Rapping Musical Performance and Composition Instrumental Sounds Differentiated Instruction Workshop

13 Interpersonal Strategies
Giving Feedback Intuiting Others’ Feelings Empathy Practices Division of Labor Person-to-Person Communication Cooperative Learning Collaborative Skills Peer Editing and Feedback Differentiated Instruction Workshop

14 Intrapersonal Strategies
Silent Reflection Methods Thinking Strategies Metacognition Techniques Concentration Skills Complex Guided Imagery “Centering” Practices Differentiated Instruction Workshop

15 Differentiated Instruction Workshop
Naturalist Environmental Studies Ecological Studies Animal Studies Nature Walks and Hiking Botany and Agricultural Studies Please Note: This Multiple Intelligence was added later by Howard Gardner and was not included in his earlier editions of Frames of Mind. Differentiated Instruction Workshop

16 Application Opportunity
Brainstorm ways in which you could use Multiple Intelligences in your classroom to teach a particular concept. The Learning Objective: Two or more learning activities to help student achieve the objective using various intelligences: Differentiated Instruction Workshop

17 Differentiated Instruction Workshop
Learning Styles Concrete Sequential Abstract Random Abstract Sequential Concrete Random Butler, Kathleen. Learning and Teaching Styles. The Learner’s Dimension; Columbia, CT Differentiated Instruction Workshop

18 Differentiated Instruction Workshop
Learning Styles Audio Visual Kinesthetic Tactile Differentiated Instruction Workshop

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