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Mountains of Yahweh Horeb, Sinai and Hor.

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1 Mountains of Yahweh Horeb, Sinai and Hor

2 The Wilderness Timeline (1)
Jericho The Wilderness Timeline (1) Spies enter the land - Kadesh Passover Israel leave Egypt Israel arrive at Sinai Tabernacle erected Israel cross over Jordan 1yr 1mth 15dy 1yr 3mth 15dy 2yr 1mth 1dy 41yr 1mth 10dy 41yr 1mth 14dy 2yr 4mth Israel wanders for 38 years (Deu.2:14) Israel keep the Passover Punon

3 The Wilderness Timeline (2)
Jericho Israel leave Elim (Exo.16:1) Tabernacle erected (Exo.40:17) Israel arrive at Sinai (Exo.19:1) Israel leave Sinai (Num.10:11) 1yr 2mth 15dy 1yr 3mth 15dy 2yr 1mth 1dy 2yr 2mth 20dy Punon Moses ascends mount Sinai 7 times Israel leave Egypt (Num.33:3) Israel spent 9 months constructing the Tabernacle Spies enter the land - Kadesh (Num.13:20) 1yr 1mth 1dy 1yr 1mth 14dy 1yr 1mth 15dy 2yr 1mth 14dy 2yr 4mth Passover (Exo.12:6) Passover (Num.9:1-3) Ritual Calendar established (Exo.12:2)

4 Jericho The Aaron’s Timeline Punon

5 Aaron and Mountains Aaron meets Moses in the wilderness in the ‘mount of God’ or Horeb – Exo.4:27 Israel prevailed over Amalek when Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ arm – ‘top of the hill’ – Exo.17:10 Moses and Aaron come before Horeb and receive the 10 Commandments – Exo.19:24

6 Aaron and Mountains Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and 70 Elders came before Horeb communed – Exo.24:1,2 Aaron makes a Golden Calf before Horeb – Exo.32 Aaron is taken up to mount Hor to die – Num.20:22

7 Two Mountains… Scripture requires:
A ‘mount that might be touched’. A height that the voice of God could be heard from. A summit that Moses could not see or hear the Children of Israel. A stream running down to the plain. All of these are provided by the area of the modern name of Ras Sufsafeh and Jebel Musa

8 Two Mountains… Exo.32 is important in identifying the two peaks of Horeb and Sinai Moses & Joshua had gone up the mountain. Leaving Joshua in the joining part between the two mounts.

9 Two Mountains… Moses on Mount Sinai is told by an angle, to get back down. As Moses and Joshua, return, they discuss what the problem might be, Exo.32:19. When they get close to the camp they see and hear the wickedness of Israel.

10 Two Mountains… Now if they had just gone up steep cliffs of Sufsafeh (the Jews identify as Sinai), 500 M. or 1600 Ft. Moses would have been able to see and even hear. It is clear from the scriptural record that there is a difference between the two.

11 Two Mountains… Horeb is were the people heard the voice of Yahweh.
Sinai is were Moses ascended, numerous times. So careful reading will reveal two peaks. About 5 km or 3 M apart.

12 Two Mountains…

13 Two Mountains…

14 Two Mountains…

15 Two Mountains…

16 Two Mountains…

17 Sinai Here Moses received the Tables of Stone and remained for 40 days. It is called the ‘top of the mount’ – Exo.19:20; 24:16-17; 34:2 Sinai is about 5 km from the plain where the people were camped. Thus Moses and Joshua would hear nothing of revelry, until they got closer to the cliffs of Horeb – Exo.32:1-20

18 Sinai On arrival at Sufsafeh the scene burst upon Moses and Joshua.
In anger Moses descended on the camp and smashed the Tables of Stone at the foot of the mount – Ex.32:19.

19 Horeb Horeb is called ‘the mount of God’ – Exo.4:27; 18:5; 24:13; 1Kin.19:8 Sinai is always described by it’s name or that of the ‘top of the mount’ Horeb is close to the plain at ‘the nether part of the mount’ – Exo.19:17 And in Deu.4:10,11 – ‘before Yahweh under the mount’ – As if right above the people.

20 Horeb God could not speak to the people ‘face to face’ – Deu.5:4
This could not be from Jebel Musa (Sinai) but it certainly could be from Ras Sufafeh (Horeb) This cliff rises abruptly from the plain and overhangs it.

21 Horeb Ras Sufsafeh, therefore, answers to the description of ‘a mountain that might be touched’ Therefore a barrier was required to prevent the people coming to near – Exo.19:23.

22 Yahweh spoke from Horeb
When Yahweh addressed the people it was from Horeb (Ras Sufsafeh) When Yahweh spoke to Moses it was from Sinai (Jebel Musa) When He spoke to the people, they were gathered together before Horeb for that purpose – Deu.4:10; 5:4,26.

23 Yahweh spoke from Horeb
They heard and understood the words said to them – Deu.4:12,33,36; 5:23; Exo.20:22. This would not be possible if the voice had thundered to them from 5 km away, out of their sight. In that mountainous area, the voice would have echoed and bounced – Would have been difficult to understand!

24 Yahweh spoke from Horeb
Another point that is detailed in the context is that the people had gathered together before the mount. Yet later when the people went to their tents they no longer heard the voice. Suggesting the need to come close to the mount – Exo.20:21; Deu.5:27-32.

25 Yahweh spoke from Horeb
Therefore when Yahweh spake to Moses and the people, they were on the plain and not up on Sinai – Exo.24:1-3.

26 ‘The Mountains of the Bible’ John McFarlane - 1848
The country in that region seems to be as nonproductive and wild now as it was then. A recent traveller tells us ' that there is no part of the world where the face of nature, and the natural landmarks, have remained so totally unchanged. In the days of Moses, as now, it was a barren, mountainous region; bare of verdure, and destitute of streams of living water. So that the Almighty was obliged to sustain his people with manna from heaven, and water from the rocks.'

27 ‘The Mountains of the Bible’ John McFarlane - 1848
It is proper, however, to notice, that the 'Horeb' of scripture, and the ' Sinai to be afterwards commented on, do not form two distinct mountains, though different names are used when referring to them. There appears to be a sense in which Horeb is Sinai, and Sinai is Horeb.

28 ‘The Mountains of the Bible’ John McFarlane - 1848
The other division, or second peak, is at present named ' Jebal Musa' by the Arabs, that is, the 'Mountain of Moses;' so called because from its summit the law was promulgated, and there he received from God the two tables of stone on which that law was inscribed. To this peak, consequently, the name of Sinai has been given.

29 Mount Hor Quote from HP – Expositor
The site of Mount Hor is not known with complete certainty. The traditional site, near Petra, could not be the place, for it is in the midst of Edom. It is necessary to turn to Scripture for an approximate location.

30 Mount Hor He goes on to say:
Mt. Hor was on the border of Edom – Num.20:21; 33:37 Close to Kadesh – Num.20:22 In fact the next stopping place – Num.33:37 The mountain is Jebel Madurah (about 15 m N.E. of Kadesh)

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