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M. I. T. C. P. CHEMISTRY Matter & Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "M. I. T. C. P. CHEMISTRY Matter & Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. I. T. C. P. CHEMISTRY Matter & Energy

2 Lab: Can Kinetic Energy Produce Heat?

3 The amount of kinetic energy an object possess.
Temperature The amount of kinetic energy an object possess.

4 Temperature Thermometer Degree

5 Galileo’s Air Thermoscope


7 Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
Liquid-in-glass thermometers first appeared around 1650 and they were a development from the thermoscope. Florentine glass blowers had learnt the art of the delicate glassblowing to achieve intricate shapes. The liquid used was spirit from wine. By 1714 thermometers with mercury were found to give more linear scales than spirits. Fahrenheit was the most successful of the early thermometer makers with the result that his thermometers dominated the English speaking world.

8 Andars Celsius

9 Gabriel Fahrenheit


11 Lord Kelvin


13 Temperature Scale Conversions
Fahrenheit to Celsius (°F - 32°) X 5/9 Celsius to Fahrenheit °C x9/5 + 32° Kelvin to Celsius K - 273 Celsius to Kelvin C + 273

14 Lab: Temperature Scale Calibrations

15 Temperature Heat Amount of kinetic energy an object possess. Degree
Thermometer Heat Form of energy. Joule Calorimeter


17 Calorimetric Chemistry

18 Demo

19 Specific Heat The amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1° Celsius. 4,187J/kg°C 0.217 J/kg°C 3,470 J/kg°C

20 Specific Heat Q = m X Δt X c
Heat = mass X change in temperature X specific heat Sample Problem A student records the temperature of 1000 grams of water change from 25°C to 30°C. How many joules were gained by the water? Specific Heat of Water = J/g°C

21 Specific Heat A student records the temperature of 1000 grams of water change from 25°C to 30°C. How many joules were gained by the water? Step 1: State the equation. Q = m X Δt X c Step 2: Substitute values. Q = 1000 X (30°C-25°C) X 4.184 Step 3: Solve problem. 20920 J “Sig Figs” = J

22 Specific Heat Problems
How many joules are needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water from 0°C to 50°C? 1 X 50 x = J A baby bottle containing 250 mL of water at 60°C is cooled to 40°C. How much heat energy is lost? 20 X -20 x = -20,920 J How many joules are needed to raise the temperature of 400 grams of water from -12°C to -10°C? 400 X 2 X = J

23 Lab: Specific Metal Investigation

24 States of Matter The old “3 states of matter”.

25 States of Matter Gas Liquid Molecular activity. Solid

26 4th State of Matter Plasma
It is known that 99 % of visible matter in the Universe is in the plasma state.

27 4 States of Matter

28 4 States of Matter

29 5th State of Matter Predicted in 1928 Created in 1995
Bose Einstein Condensate Created in 1995

30 Bose Einstein Condensate
It looks like a pit in a cheery.


32 Another New State of Matter
MIT scientists have become the first to create a new type of matter, a gas of atoms that shows high-temperature superfluidity. MIT Professor Wolfgang Ketterle, second from right, poses with three fellow researchers involved in the creation of a new form of matter, a superfluid gas of fermions.

33 6th State of Matter In the top portion of this illustration, the gas of fermions (red) is trapped in an infrared laser beam (pink) and held in place by a magnetic field generated by current-carrying coils (blue). Two additional laser beams, shown in green, were used like coffee stirrers to set the gas into rotation. The result, as illustrated on the right, could be seen in a shadow picture of the expanded cloud that showed its superfluid behavior: The gas was pierced by a regular array of vortices.

34 7th State of Matter Mott Insulator
"The Mott insulator phenomenon was first observed in ultracold atomic gases in 2002 by the group of Ted Hänsch, at the Max-Planck institute for Quantum Optics in Munich, Germany, and has been a subject of intense research ever since," said Cheng Chin, Gemelke's co-author and an assistant professor at the University of Chicago. A Mott insulator is a special phase of matter, usually formed at very low temperatures, in which certain materials that should conduct electricity act as electrical insulators, due to unusual interactions between electrons. The system studied in Chicago is the ultracold atom equivalent of a Mott insulator. To make the insulator, the Chicago team trapped individual atoms using a cross-section of laser beams to create an "optical lattice," something like marbles trapped in the individual sections of an egg carton. "In a Mott insulator, there is exactly one atom at every site, or two, or three, but never a mixture of, say, one here, two there, etc.," Chin explained. Mott Insulator

35 There is never a change in temperature during a change in state.
Heating Curve There is never a change in temperature during a change in state.

36 Temperature Change OR Phase Change

37 Lab: Melting Point & Boiling Point Determination

38 Tendency of a system to fall into disorder.
Entropy Tendency of a system to fall into disorder.

39 Lab: Energy & Entropy

40 Change in Phase Requires Heat

41 Heat of Fusion Heat of Vaporization
The heat required to change a solid into a liquid with no temperature change. Heat of Vaporization The heat required to change a liquid to a gas with no temperature change.

42 Lab: Heat of Fusion of Ice

43 Lab: Temperature Rising

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