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Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln

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1 Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
By: Nia sherwood

2 Childhood Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12,1809.
His mother Nancy died on 1818 because of milk sickness. He was born in Hardin county, Kentuky. His stepmother was Johnston bush Lincoln.

3 Life Before he was famous
Abe was a rail spliter that was his first job. His next job was a ferry boat rower he rowed over the mississippi river and the Ohio river. He worked at the genral store.

4 Life when he was famous He became famous because he was elecded president. He went through rebates with stephen a. douglas. He fought through war.

5 Death He was assasanatid by John wikes booth at Ford Thetre.
He did not die he died at 7:20 in the moring. We rember abraham lincoln as a preseident that no one could forget.

6 Fun facts Lincoln rather be called Lincoln instead of his full name.
In 1922 the workers spelled euture instead of future in the stone at springfeld. He never knew how to spell oportuniy.

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