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You and Your Student Loans

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1 You and Your Student Loans
An Informational Guide Katherine L. Pritchard December 6, 2011

2 Important Information about Student Loans
Students need to know: Their Assistance options Their Repayment plans Student loan wisdom Student loan consequences

3 Assistance Options The government offers a multitude of assistance options such as: Forbearance (maximum time allotted) Deferment (maximum time allotted) Discharge and/or forgiveness Consolidation

4 Important Facts to Consider before Accepting Assistance
Find out if your loans are subsidized or unsubsidized. Subsidized: The government pays your interest during deferments. Unsubsidized: The government does not pay any interest during postponements. Student loans are neither different nor less important then a mortgage or a car loan. Always pursue assistance options instead of letting your account go past due and/or into default. Use your assistance time wisely.

5 Repayment Options Federal Student Loan Repayment Plans Include: Level
Graduated Extended Level Extended Graduated Income Based Repayment Income Contingent Repayment

6 Repayment Information to Consider
Standard repayment plans are either 10 years or 25 years. If a student extends the repayment term, more interest will accrue which will increase the total amount to be repaid. Some students are willing to pay more in the end to pay less per month.

7 Student Loan Wisdom All your Federal Student Loans can be found on NSLDS.ED.GOV. A grant does not have to be paid back. A loan has to be repaid.

8 Student Loan Consequences
Default “occurs if you don’t make an installment payment when due or don’t comply with the promissory note’s other terms”. If a loan defaults, the guarantor is able to confiscate your tax return and/or garnish your employment wages.

9 Source Please educate yourself entirely by reading the article, “Repaying Your Student Loans” composed by the Office of Federal Student Aid in Washington, D.C. here: Office of Federal Student Aid. Repaying Your Student Loans. EDRS. Washington, D.C

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