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Regional Orientation & Welcome Day

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1 Regional Orientation & Welcome Day
‘Are We Ready’ For Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

2 How do we get Ready To Receive Him To Follow Him To Serve Him
  As individuals and families To Receive Him To Follow Him To Serve Him Remember, We are getting ready to receive GOD Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

3 Discussion Pointers Believe SAI- Are We Ready for Bhagawan
How to develop steadfast faith Listening, Remembrance, Contemplation Namasmarana, Prayers, Meditation, Bhajans Keep away Ego, Pride, Bad company ‘An Individual who has faith in God must put his faith into practice. By believing in God yet ignoring God’s utterances and commands, you are contradicting yourselves. Faith is not a cloak that is worn outside for deceiving others’- Summer Showers 1977 p218 Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

4 Discussion Pointers Know SAI- Are We Ready for Bhagawan
Know SAI- His Life Story, activities, daily routine His Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omniscience His Teachings, His Message, His Mission Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

5 Are We Ready for Bhagawan
I have to come to correct the Buddhi, the intelligence, by various means. I have come to counsel, help, command, condemn and stand by as a friend and well-wisher to all, so that they may give up evil propensities and, recognising the straight mark, tread it and reach the goal. I have to reveal to the people the worth of the Vedas, the Sastras and the spiritual texts, which lay down the norms. If you will accept me and say, “Yes”, I too will respond and say ‘Yes, Yes, Yes’. If you deny and say “No, I also echo “No”. Come, examine, experience, have faith. That is the method of utilising me. Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

6 Discussion Pointers Are We Ready for Bhagawan
I do not give 'Speeches'; My talks are more of the conversation type; I want that you should follow every word of what I say with reverent attention, for your Anandam is My Aharam--your joy is my food. You can get Anandam only by following the advice I give you and this is why I am particular that you should listen carefully and take to heart what I say. This is not a mere lecture -Bhagawan Baba (SSS Speaks Vol 1, p9) Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

7 Discussion Pointers Follow SAI- Are We Ready for Bhagawan
Does He need our Service? What then is the meaning of Serving Sai? How to Serve Sai? Discussion Pointers a Follow SAI- Our life ought to be His Message At home, At work, in the neighbourhood Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

8 Discussion Pointers Are We Ready for Bhagawan
Does He need our Service? What then is the meaning of Serving Sai? How to Serve Sai? Discussion Pointers a ‘Of what benefit is the discourse of Mine if you do not receive it in your hearts and act accordingly. I find that all efforts to awaken you to your duty to yourselves are not fructifying in you. You are like the rocks on the sea-shore that unflinchingly face the beating of the waves. The rock does not move; the wave will not stop. This predicament should end! Awake and avail yourself of this unique chance’ - SSS Vol 5 p 68 Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

9 Discussion Pointers Serve SAI- Are We Ready for Bhagawan
Does He need our Service? What then is the meaning of Serving Sai? How to Serve Sai? Discussion Pointers a Serve SAI- Does He need our Service? What then is the meaning of Serving Sai? How to Serve Sai? Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

10 Are We Ready for Bhagawan
Does He need our Service? What then is the meaning of Serving Sai? How to Serve Sai? ‘You should believe that service is a path to God-realisation. Service activities are to be undertaken not for the sake of the Sathya Sai Organisation nor for the sake of society. They are purely for your own sake in order to transform your own lives and redeem yourself’ - Sanathana Sarathi Sep 1984 a ‘You must have not merely enthusiasm to serve, but the intelligence and the skill; then only can you be efficient and useful. Enthusiasm without efficiency is often a source of loss and grief’ - SSS Vol 5 p125 Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

11 9 point Code Are We Ready for Bhagawan 1. Daily meditation and prayer
Does He need our Service? What then is the meaning of Serving Sai? How to Serve Sai? 9 point Code 1. Daily meditation and prayer 2. Weekly Family Devotional singing / prayer 3. Monthly group Devotional Programmes conducted by the Orgn 4. Regular study of Sai literature 5. Putting into practice the principle of ‘Ceiling on Desires’; utilising any savings generated thus for service of mankind; 6. Speaking softly and lovingly with everyone 7. Avoiding talking ill of others especially in their absence. 8.Participation in the educational programmes 9. Participation in community service and other programmes a Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

12 Ten Commandments Are We Ready for Bhagawan
Does He need our Service? What then is the meaning of Serving Sai? How to Serve Sai? Ten Commandments 1. Be Patriotic (without hatred towards other countries) 2. Honour all Religions 3. Love all humanity as your brothers and sisters 4. Keep your house and environment clean 5. Help beggars to become self reliant; don’t just give them coins! Provide food and shelter, love and care for the sick and the aged. 6. Do not tempt by giving bribes; Do not demean yourself by accepting bribes 7. Do not contribute to the growth of differences in society on any count 8. Do your work yourself ; Be your own servant first 9. Abide by the laws and rules of the Country you live in 10. Adore God, Abhor Sin a Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

13 Practise Points What can we do to get ready internally
Does He need our Service? What then is the meaning of Serving Sai? How to Serve Sai? Practise Points a What can we do to get ready internally What should we do to get ready externally Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

14 Take Home Keypoints By getting Ready for Bhagawan, we come
Does He need our Service? What then is the meaning of Serving Sai? How to Serve Sai? Take Home Keypoints a By getting Ready for Bhagawan, we come closer to our own inherent divinity. True devotion entails ‘Following the Master’ - His Example & His Teachings in our daily lives with firm faith. Are We Ready for Bhagawan Regional Orientation & Welcome Day Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation U.K

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