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Handwriting Analysis, Forgery, Counterfeiting

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1 Handwriting Analysis, Forgery, Counterfeiting
Chapter 10 Handwriting Analysis, Forgery, Counterfeiting

2 Forensic Handwriting Analysis
Document Analysis: examination and comparison of questioned documents with known materials Questioned Documents: any signature, handwriting, typewriting, or any other written mark whose authenticity is in dispute Document Expert: trained person who scientifically analyzes handwriting in a document Threatening notes, ransom notes, suicide notes

3 Forensic Handwriting Analysis
Handwriting is unique and personalized per person Tool used for including or excluding persons when determining a match between a exemplar and a questioned document Exemplar: standard document of known origin and authorship

4 Forensic Handwriting Analysis
Handwriting Analysis played an important role in the Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping case of the 1930’s Handwriting analysis of the ransom notes lead to the arrest and execution of Bruno Richard Hauptmann

5 Forensic Handwriting Analysis
In 1999, the United States Court of Appeals determined that handwriting analysis qualified as a form of expert testimony Scientifically accepted guidelines must be followed Handwriting analysis has been used by Scotland Yard, the FBI and the Secret Service.

Examination and comparison of questioned documents with known materials Year which the Court of Appeals determined handwriting analysis qualified as testimony Trained person who scientifically analyzes handwriting in a document Signature, handwriting, typing or any other written mark whose authenticity is in question Standard document of known origin and authorship

7 Characteristics of Handwriting
Handwriting exhibits unique characteristics that make is distinguishable from other samples 12 major characteristics divided into 3 groups Letter Form: shape of letters, curve of letters, angle or slant of letters, proportional size of letters, use and appearance of connecting lines between letters Line Form: smoothness of letters, darkness of lines on the upward compared to the downward stroke, speed of writing, pressure exerted while writing, writing instrument

8 Characteristics of Handwriting
Formatting: spacing between lines, spacing between words and lines, placement of words on a line, margins a writer leaves empty on page

9 Thursday February 16th, 2017 O.J Paper DUE TONIGHT at Midnight!
“Drinking alcohol to get drunk is just drinking poison in the right dose to mess you up but not kill you.” - Unknown Happy National Do A Grouch A Favor Day Fun Fact: Some Chickens are half male, half female O.J Paper DUE TONIGHT at Midnight! Continue Chapter 10 Handwriting Analysis and Forgery

10 Characteristics of Handwriting
Specific Trait Description Examples Line Quality Do the letters flow or are they erratic or shaky? Spacing Are letters equally spaced or crowded Size Consistency Is the ratio of height to width consistent

11 Characteristics of Handwriting
Specific Trait Description Examples Continuous Is the writing continuous or does the writer lift the pen Connecting Letters Capitals and lowercase letters connected and continuous

12 Characteristics of Handwriting
Specific Trait Description Examples Letters Complete Letters are completely formed, or is part of a letter missing Cursive and Printed Letters Are there printed letters, cursive letters or both Pen Pressure Is pressure equal when applied to upward and downward strokes

13 Characteristics of Handwriting
Specific Trait Description Examples Slant Left, right, or variable Line Habits Is the text on the line, above the line, or below the line

14 Characteristics of Handwriting
Specific Trait Description Examples Fancy Curls or Loops Are there fancy curls Placement of crosses on t’s and dots on i’s Are t’s crossed, crossed in the middle, toward the top, or toward the bottom? Are i’s dotted, dotted towards the right, left or centered.

Give the handwriting characteristic being described below Is pressure equal when applied to upward and downward strokes Do the letters flow or are they erratic or shaky? Is the text on the line, above the line, or below the line Is the writing continuous or does the writer lift the pen Are there fancy curls Are letters equally spaced or crowded standard document of known origin and authorship authenticity is in dispute

16 Analyzing A Handwriting Sample
Three basic steps in analyzing a handwriting sample Questioned Documents and Exemplar are examined for detectable characteristics An Exemplar from the suspect should be obtained without letting the suspect know it's for comparison Best Exemplars: letters, diaries, greeting cards, personal notes Exemplars should contain several words or letter combinations found in the questioned document

17 Analyzing A Handwriting Sample
Characteristics of the questioned item are compared with the standard Draw conclusions about the authorship of the questionable document based on the comparison

18 Analyzing A Handwriting Sample
If there are obvious differences between a standard and questioned document its more than likely written by different authors Samples are visually eliminated without analysis Similarities do not guarantee common authorship Unique characteristics of a person's handwriting may occur in another's handwriting

19 Analyzing A Handwriting Sample
Conscious Writing Effort: person tries to disguise their handwriting or copy someone else’s handwriting Things investigators can do to minimize conscious writing effort Suspect should not be shown the questioned document Suspect should not be given instructions about punctuation or spelling Pen and paper should be similar to that of questioned document

20 Technology Used in Handwriting Analysis
Initial comparisons of documents are done with the eye, lens or microscope More advanced technology available today Biometric Signature Pads Forgeries then are recognized by the detection of even slight differences Computerized Analysis of Handwriting Suspects signatures can be compared with ones stored in databases

21 Shortcomings in Handwriting Analysis
Standard documents used for comparisons also end up being forgeries Effects of mood, age, drugs, fatigue, illness on a person’s handwriting Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

Three basic steps in handwriting analysis Shortcomings of handwriting analysis Person tries to disguise their handwriting or copy someone else’s handwriting Two technologies used in handwriting analysis True or False: You can eliminate a handwriting sample without analysis if there are noticeable differences standard document of known origin and authorship authenticity is in dispute

23 Wednesday February 22nd, 2017 “At this point I’m convinced that protests are now just a competition to see who can come up with the most clever sign”– Unknown Happy National Margarita Day Fun Fact: Anatidaephobia is the weird fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you Continue Chapter 10 Handwriting Analysis and Forgery 2 slides Catch Me If You Can

24 Forgery Forgery: process used by criminals to alter, falsify a person’s signature or another aspect of a document Forged documents can include: checks, employment records, legal agreements, licenses, wills Fraudulence: forgery done for material gain Check Forgery: 27 million in illegitimate checks are cashed each day Altering a check, ordering someone else's checks, creating forged checks from scratch Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

25 Forgery Literary Forgery: forgery of a piece of writing
Historic letter, manuscripts which can be valuable Best forgers duplicate the original document by using materials similar to the originals Old paper Make their own inks to match those used at the time Watermarks that add the appearance of age Documents and inks chemically treated to fake older look Tools and styles that would have been popular at the time Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

26 Chicken contains 266% more fatthan it did 40 years ago.
Monday February 27th, 2017 “People are assholes. Just make sure you’re not the toilet paper ”– Unknown Happy National Strawberry Day and Polar Bear Day Fun Fact: Chicken contains 266% more fat than it did 40 years Finish Catch Me If You Can Wednesday: Handwriting Activity Finish Chapter 10 Notes Friday: OJ Friday Monday: Review for Exam Next Wednesday: Exam on Chapter 9: Toxicology and Chapter 10: Handwriting Chicken contains 266% more fatthan it did 40 years ago.

27 Counterfeiting Counterfeiting: Copying documents or items for the purpose of deception Travelers checks, bonds, paper currency, coins, food stamps, postage stamps Counterfeiting is a federal felony punishable with up to 25 years in prison Secret Service is responsible for investigating counterfeit US currency Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

28 Counterfeiting Technology has allowed the Secret Service to add security features to paper currency that makes forgery difficult Scanning cannot reproduce these security features The first security feature is the feel of the paper Regular printer paper contains starch Paper bills contain rag fiber instead of starch Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

29 Counterfeiting Detecting Counterfeit Currency
Counterfeit-Detecting Pen: special pens and markers containing iodine Counterfeit Bill: when marked with the iodine pen, the mark will become bluish-black Regular Bill: when marked with the iodine pen, the mark will become pale yellow Counterfeiters will bleach small bills (1’s) in order to reprint large bills on the paper This will pass the counterfeit detecting pen Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

30 Counterfeiting Features found in real currency
Portrait stands out from the background and appears raised off the paper Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

31 Counterfeiting Features found in real currency
Minute microprinting on the security threads, as well as around the portrait Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

32 Counterfeiting Features found in real currency
Serial number is even spaced and the same color as the treasury seal Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

33 Counterfeiting Features found in real currency
Check letter and Quadrant number Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

34 Counterfeiting Features found in real currency
5, 6. Federal Reserve seal (5) no sharp points, Treasury seal (6) with clear, sharp sawtooth points Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

35 Counterfeiting Features found in real currency
Clear red and blue fibers are woven throughout the bill, Security thread is evident, a thin embedded vertical line with the denomination of the bill written on it Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

36 Counterfeiting Features found in real currency
Federal Reserve Number and Letter Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

37 Counterfeiting Features found in real currency Series
Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

38 Counterfeiting Features found in real currency
Check Letter and Face Plate Number Watermark appears on the right side of the portrait of the bill in the light When tilted the number in the lower right-handed corner makes a color shift from copper to green Clear, distinct background details and lines Clear distinct border edge Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

39 In Court Evidence in the Courtroom
Expert shows how comparisons were made Defense attorney cross-examines the handwriting expert Shortcomings in Analysis Particular piece of handwriting can be different from its usual style because of factors like fatigue Experts can miss details Why do you think there are shortcomings in handwriting analysis Do you think it’s possible for two people to have handwriting so similar that it is impossible to differentiate

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