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BA 4226 Managing Organizational Change Images of managing change

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1 BA 4226 Managing Organizational Change Images of managing change
Instructor: Çağrı Topal

2 Images of managing change
Dimension Images of Managing Sub-dimension Controlling activities Shaping capabilities Images of Change Outcomes Intended Director Coach Partially Intended Navigator Interpreter Unintended Caretaker Nurturer

3 Images of managing Controlling Top-down hierarchical management
Directing and controlling organizational operations and activities Organization as machine Shaping Participative style of management Improving organizational capabilities Organization as organism

4 Images of change outcomes
Intended Empirical rational strategies Normative-re-educative strategies Power-coercive strategies Partially intended Unintended Internal factors External factors

5 Director Management as controlling Intended change outcomes
Managers can direct and control the change process to produce intended change outcomes N-step models and contingency theory

6 Navigator Management as controlling Partially intended change outcomes
A variety of external factors undermine managers’ ability to achieve intended change outcomes although managers try to achieve them Contextualist and processual theories

7 Caretaker Management as controlling Unintended change outcomes
Managers’ ability to control is severely impeded by a variety of internal and external forces beyond the scope of managers who only shepherd the organization during the change process Life-cycle, population-ecology, and institutional theories

8 Coach Management as shaping Intended change outcomes
Managers can intentionally build in the right set of values and skills that organizational members will be able to draw on in order to achieve desired organizational outcomes Organizational development approaches

9 Interpreter Management as shaping Partially intended change outcomes
Managers create meaning for other organizational members, helping them to make sense of organizational events and actions that occur during and as a result of the change process Sense-making theory

10 Nurturer Management as shaping Unintended change outcomes
Even small changes may have a large impact on organizations and managers are not able to control the outcome of these changes but may only nurture the organizations by helping organizational members self-develop and self- organize Chaos and Confucian/Taoist theories

11 Key uses of the six-image framework
Surfacing our assumptions about change Assessing dominant images of change Using multiple images and perspectives of change Image-in-use depends on the type of change Image-in-use depends on the context of the change Image-in-use depends on the phase of change Image-in-use depends on simultaneous involvement in multiple changes

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