Frank Falzone Ross Meyer FR December.2012

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Presentation on theme: "Frank Falzone Ross Meyer FR December.2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 Frank Falzone Ross Meyer FR 3262 10.December.2012
Identifying Potential Plantation Sites for Hybrid Hazelnut Production in a Micro-Cooperative Context Frank Falzone Ross Meyer FR 3262 10.December.2012

2 Outline Hybrid hazels in context Desired project output
Data acquisition Procedures Accuracy assessment Results Limitations and potential revisions

3 Hybrid Hazels: The Future is Nuts
Current industry and EFB Hybridization trials Current state of midwest industry

4 Potential Plantation Sites
Currently underutilized land Along regularly driven routes Semi-rural residential or hobby farm Away from road salt zone At least 1/20th acre

5 Procedure Outline - Data
Download shapefiles of streets, county roads, major roads, and parcels of Hennepin County Clip shapefiles to general AOI PLSS sections containing regularly traveled roads

6 Area of interest: Portions of Maple Grove, Corcoran, Rogers, St
Area of interest: Portions of Maple Grove, Corcoran, Rogers, St. Michael, Hanover, MN

7 Pre-processing Dissolve desired sections into 1 polygon
Begin selecting and exporting features not desired Parcels less than 1.5 acres Roads with a 55, 75, or 150 foot buffer, depending on road size Erase these undesired areas



10 Pre-processing continued
Convert single polygon shapefile into multi- polygon Delete small polygon fragments

11 Pre-processing Download 4 band CIR imagery for Hennepin County 2008 from MNGeo (NAIP) Contained information for the small portion of our AOI in Wright County Summer aerial photographs One meter spatial resolution

12 Classification Open in ERDAS to run supervised classification Classes:
Grass Unused pasture Agriculture Developed Open water Forest

13 Classified Image Sample

14 Accuracy Assessment Number of Pixels Classified as - Om. Prod. Ref. Class Forest Ag Developed Unused Grass Total Error Acc. (%) 9 2 1 12 25 75 3 11 7 21 47.62 52.38 100 4 5 20 80 66.67 33.33 15 17 50 na Co. Error 26.67 76.47 User Acc.% 73.33 23.53 60 60% overall Accuracy with Grass and Unused Pasture as individual classes

15 Accuracy Assessment Continued
Number of Pixels Classified as - Om. Prod. Ref. Class Forest Ag Developed Unused/Grass Total Error (%) Acc. (%) 9 2 1 12 25 75 3 11 7 21 47.62 52.38 100 14 14.29 85.71 15 20 50 na Co. Error (%) 26.67 40 User Acc. % 73.33 60 70 70% Overall Accuracy with Unused Pasture and Grass as a combined class

16 Results Total classified acres of suitable land: 1383 grass
1983 unused pasture

17 Results

18 Results

19 Limitations / Possible Improvements
Classification Use spring/fall imagery for certain classes More training sites Better definition of desired classes Area of interest filtering Split grass/unused pasture polygons along parcel lines and remove those patches less than 1/20th acre in a single parcel

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