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Monday, March 27th Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, March 27th Hello, ladies and gentlemen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, March 27th Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
Today we will set the stage for our next drama. In your notebook, make a list of the things you think you know about the story of Anne Frank or about World War II in general

2 What we know

3 Anne Frank Background Information

4 The Allies: Who were they? What was their significance?
United States, United Kingdom, France, and Soviet Union What was their significance? They liberated concentration camps What did they do? They opposed the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and won World War II

5 Normandy– D- Day: What was it? What happened? Why is it important?
Operation OVERLORD, the invasion of Normandy Before this battle, the German Army still firmly occupied France and the Low Countries What happened? The Allies successfully invaded the beaches of Normandy, France Why is it important? It is considered the decisive battle of World War II Operation OVERLORD proved a psychological and physical blow to German military fortunes from which they would never recover

6 Nuremberg Trials: What were they? What happened?
Series of 13 trials carried out in Nuremberg, Germany ( ) to bring Nazi war criminals to justice What happened? Each of the accused were charged with one or more of the following: Count I: Conspiracy to Wage Aggressive War Count II: Crimes Against Peace Count III: War Crimes Count IV: Crimes Against Humanity Why is this significant? a milestone toward the establishment of a permanent international court, and an important precedent for dealing with later instances of genocide and other crimes against humanity

7 Holocaust: What was it? Why is it important that we study it?
the state-sponsored persecution and murder of European Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators between 1933 and 1945, history’s most extreme example of antisemitism Why is it important that we study it? It is important that we study the Holocaust, because we need to learn about the dangers of remaining silent and allowing the persecution and oppression of others and to ensure that something like this never occurs again

8 Antisemitism: What does it mean? Prejudice or hatred of Jews

9 Gestapo: Who were they? What did they do?
the secret police of Nazi Germany, and its main tool of oppression and destruction, which persecuted Germans, opponents of the regime, and Jews- Branch of the SS (Hitler’s personal elite body guards who did most of the killings he ordered) What did they do? Played a central role in helping carry out the Nazi’s “Final Solution”

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