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Learned versus Inherited Behavior

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Presentation on theme: "Learned versus Inherited Behavior"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learned versus Inherited Behavior

2 What are inherited traits?
Physical traits that are a result of our genes.

3 What are acquired traits?
Traits that are a result of our upbringing. Language and food preferences

4 Both acquired and inherited traits
Intelligence Personality Risk for diseases

5 Inherited Traits Inherit physical traits from out parents through genes. Physical appearance: phenotype Phenotype is dependent on our genotype Genotype is our gene make-up or our chemical blueprint found in our DNA. Inherited characteristics can be: Color of an animals fur Length of an animals claws In humans, rolling your tongue is and inherited trait

6 Inherited Traits An organism cannot control or change the inherited traits it has from birth.

7 Examples of Inherited Traits
Whales have the ability to swim at birth Lizards move into the sun to get warm Migrating birds Hibernating Female dogs know how to take care of their young Survival skills

8 Environmental Factors (Acquired)
These factors play an important role in how we act. Acquired traits are a result of our environment. Language is an acquired trait

9 Some traits are acquired/inherited
Weight Skin color Intelligence disease

10 Reason scientist can say traits are a result of both genes and environment
Scientist have studied identical twins to determine the affects of environment and genes Identical twins have the same DNA If DNA was the only factor that determined who we are, then identical twins would be identical in every way. Environmental factors like diet, exercise, time spent outdoors, and schooling also affect who an individual becomes.

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