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Составила Недригайлова Ирина Ивановна Учитель английского языка

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Presentation on theme: "Составила Недригайлова Ирина Ивановна Учитель английского языка"— Presentation transcript:

1 Составила Недригайлова Ирина Ивановна Учитель английского языка
Презентация по теме: «ДОМ. МЕБЕЛЬ В НАШЕМ ДОМЕ. ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ОБОРОТЫ «THERE IS…/ THERE ARE…» Составила Недригайлова Ирина Ивановна Учитель английского языка

2 Let’s speak about our house

3 P_ct_re Floo_ u a H_ll r a i a Pi_no o a r i Carp_t A_mcha_r i e S_ fa T_ble F_repl_ce

4 a,p,m,l Lamp o,f,s,a Sofa l,c,c,o,k Clock w,n,o,i,d,w Window
3 7 5 o,f,s,a Sofa 5 l,c,c,o,k Clock 7 1 w,n,o,i,d,w Window 8 3 8 c,p,t,i,u,e,r Picture 2 6 h,s,I,e,f Shelf 6 2 4 r,a,m,h,c,i,a,r Armchair 1 a,c,p,r,t,e Carpet 4

5 Физминутка Head and shoulders, Knees and toes, Knees and toes. Head and shoulders, Knees and toes. Eyes, ears, mouse and nose.

6 1. It is big, there we can read books and watch TV. 1. It is big, there we can read books and watch TV. Living room 2. There we can sleep in the bad. Bedroom 3. There we can have breakfast, dinner. Kitchen

7 1. There we save our food. Pantry 2. There we can have a shower. Bathroom 3. There we can take off our clothes. Hall

8 1. It is has a glass in it. Window 2. Our house has four… Wall 3. If we want to enter the house, we must go in a… Door

9 Решите кроссворд C l o c k k W i i n d o w T T a b l e s C C h e s H H
u s e B e e d r o o m P a n n t r y

10 ________nice flowers in the room. ________a red vase on the table.
Вставьте в предложения there is или there are ________nice flowers in the room. ________a red vase on the table. ________ chairs next to the table. ________ a mouse in the yard. ________ books in the bag . ________ balls under the table . ________ a lamp in the bedroom. ________ pens on the book. there are there is there are there is there are there are there is there are

11 floor Wall table roof Living room Door Sofa lamp bathroom armchair

12 Good-bye, children!

13 Информационные источники
Теория Изображения www. www. www. www. www. www. Учебник «Enjoy English», М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанёва Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику «Enjoy English», М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанёва

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