AcDv B61: Using Context Clues

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1 AcDv B61: Using Context Clues
Bakersfield College Jessica Wojtysiak Spring 2016 AcDv B61: Using Context Clues

2 New Subject Using Context Clues

3 Example Most Americans speak only one ___________. Europeans, however, __________ several. As a result, Europeans think __________ are unfriendly and unwilling to communicate with them.

4 Context Clues Used to figure out the meaning of an unknown word used in a sentence or paragraph.

5 Five Types of Context Clues
Definition Synonym Example Contrast Inference

6 Definition Writers often define a difficult word immediately after its introduction, or first use. Commas are often used to set the definition apart from the rest of the sentence. Example: What is an oligopoly?

7 Defining Oligopoly Example: An oligopoly, control of a product by a small number of companies, exists in the long-distance phone market.

8 Synonym Instead of defining a word, authors may choose to include a better known synonym to describe a difficult term. Again, this type of hint is often offset by commas. Example: What is the definition of ambiguous?

9 Defining Ambiguous The author purposefully left the ending of his novel ambiguous, or unclear, so readers would have to decide for themselves what happened.

10 Example Examples are also often used to explain words.
These examples all share something in common, and that commonality is the meaning of the difficult term. Example: What is a condiment?

11 Defining Condiments Most condiments, such as salt, pepper, mustard, and catsup, are used to improve the flavor of foods.

12 Contrast Clues This type of clues clarifies the meaning of a term by including its opposite within the sentence. Look for key words like “but” or “whereas” or “yet” to signal the inclusion of a contrasting term after the word.

13 Example: What does morosely mean?
Defining Morosely Example: What does morosely mean? The old man acted morosely, but his grandson was very happy and lively.

14 Inference Clues This involves generally using logic and reasoning to figure out an unknown word. The author doesn’t give you specific definitional information, but the surrounding words still provide some help.

15 Defining Talisman What does talisman mean? Since Reginald was worried, he brought his rabbit’s foot talisman with him to the exam.

16 Let’s Practice! What are hieroglyphics? Ancient Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphics – pictures used to represent words.

17 Defining Advocated The professor advocated testing on animals, but many of his students feel that the practice is cruel.

18 Let’s Do a Quick Review of Page Basics
MLA Format Let’s Do a Quick Review of Page Basics

19 Big Thirst: Pre-Reading
Name and Background of Author Date of Publication Publisher Number of Pages Comments of 2 Reviews Is there a movie?

20 Read The Big Thirst, Chapter 1
Homework Due Next Class Period Read The Big Thirst, Chapter 1 Develop a Double-Sided Journal for the chapter

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