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Warm-Up Write one paragraph explaining what imperialism is. Then, write one way imperialism can lead to war.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up Write one paragraph explaining what imperialism is. Then, write one way imperialism can lead to war."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up Write one paragraph explaining what imperialism is. Then, write one way imperialism can lead to war.

2 United States Foreign Policy

3 Before Imperialism Before the US got involved in other countries’ problems, we mostly believed in isolationism – which means avoiding involvement in other countries’ affairs

4 Industrialized Nations Control the World
The US soon realized that they would be left behind if they didn’t try to expand into the rest of the world. Why do you think I mentioned “Industrialized”? Why do you think Industrialized nations were in the most power?

5 In Asia First, The US influenced Japan into becoming industrialized, therefore allowing them to become a world power. What do we know about the geography of Japan? Why would we want to influence Japan (think of why we like Hawaii)

6 In Asia Secondly, Japan soon went to war with both China and Russia, taking control of important areas in each country. Why do you think Japan felt the need to go to war with these places? (Think about what type of landform Japan is)

7 In Asia Third, many countries took the hint from Japan – They went to the weak China, and quickly took over areas that had a lot of resources – this was called seizing Spheres of Influence (or areas where foreign nations controlled resources)

8 Open Door Policy A policy of the US which states that all foreign countries should have equal access to trade in China. This was first put in place before the Spanish American War. Most countries ignored it. Why?

9 The Boxer Rebellion Obviously, China was not too happy about being taken over. The Boxer Rebellion was a revolt against foreign influence, they laid siege to foreigner’s compounds and killed many. Why did Chinese nationals feel the need to do this?

10 The United States in Latin America

11 2 Minute Assessment and Warm-up
2 min: What are spheres of influence? Warm-up: Why do you think the US would be interested in Panama? (Look at the map)

12 Nationalism A strong loyalty to a group of people of the same heritage or other similarities – not necessarily to the actual country that you live in. What did we just learn about that fits into this definition?

13 Revolution in Panama Quick! What’s an isthmus? In the early 1900s, the country of Colombia had control of the Isthmus of Panama. Panamanians did not like that. The Panamanians wanted to revolt but didn’t have the resources The US stepped in to help them with their revolt Who is being imperialistic/who is being nationalistic? Why would the US want to help them? Look at the map and write your ideas

14 Altruism is doing something out of kindness, with no other motive.
Explain why the United States would be interested in this area. Try to think of how we make money. (Thinking back to the gold rush might help too) Panama Canal Was the US Being altruistic? Altruism is doing something out of kindness, with no other motive.

15 The Panama Canal The new nation of Panama leased a 10 mile wide strip of land to the US for 99 years to allow us to build the Panama Canal. It took over 10 years to build, but finally, in 1914, it opened – linking the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean

16 Think about it. How do you think the Panama Canal was built
Think about it! How do you think the Panama Canal was built? How do you join two oceans? Part jungle, tough to get through Mosquitoes, tropical diseases like malaria What challenges were there in building a canal through Panama? Dig through rough uneven ground, high elevations Hard rock had to be blasted with explosives

17 Two Minute Assessment and Warm-Up
2 min: What reason did the US have for helping Panama revolt against Colombia? Warm-Up: Describe the political cartoon and explain what you think is going on based on your notes.

18 Roosevelt Corollary Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine –
First, we have to remember what the Monroe Doctrine was: Monroe Doctrine was a statement made in 1823 stating that colonization of the Americas was forbidden by Europeans. Why would the US want to keep Europe out of the Americas?

19 Roosevelt Corollary Many Latin American countries had borrowed money from European nations The Roosevelt Corollary stated that nations HAD to pay back their debts. If they couldn’t handle their debts, USA would get involved and exert power. How are the Monroe Doctrine and Roosevelt Corollary connected? Are they related? Was the United States being altruistic in this case? If not, what was their motive?

20 How does this cartoon show the Corollary?
What does Roosevelt appear to be doing? Roosevelt said that his policy is to “Speak Softly but Carry a Big Stick” What do you think this means? Debt Collector

21 Imperialism and Nationalism
Assignment due by the end of class. Look back to the meanings of these two words. They are very much connected. How? Do each of these ideas a cause of conflict? Explain these words and answer the questions in at least one paragraph

22 Imperialism and Nationalism
These two words will appear many, many, many, many times in the upcoming months. Get to know them. They are main causes to, basically, every war we have fought in since the Spanish-American War (and, really, of just about every war that has ever been fought).

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